Blog Category:

Daily Thoughts on the Market and the Coronavirus

A lot of people are asking, “Should I buy now? Is it the bottom?” or, “What is the ONE stock I should buy right now?”  The answer to both questions is… “I…

A lot of people are asking, “Should I buy now? Is it the bottom?” or, “What is the ONE stock I should buy right now?”  The answer to both questions is… “I can’t answer that.”  If I were still daytrading I might have a different answer. BUT… for long-term investing: 9% UP days are just […]

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How You Can Actually Help During the Coronavirus

The main conversations in the media (and on social media) seem to be: How many people will die? How should we stock up in case of shortages? How can we protect ourselves?…

The main conversations in the media (and on social media) seem to be: How many people will die? How should we stock up in case of shortages? How can we protect ourselves? How will the economy be affected? What is the difference between this and other pandemics? WHAT IS THE R NAUGHT???! Will we be […]

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The One-Day Book Challenge: CORONAVIRUS!

This is doable and there will be demand. A no-B.S. book that will help people and spread rational thought in an irrational media environment. A lot of this info can be gained…

This is doable and there will be demand. A no-B.S. book that will help people and spread rational thought in an irrational media environment. A lot of this info can be gained from smart Googling. THE  ULTIMATE CORONAVIRUS BOOK: WHAT IS THE CORONAVIRUS? Where did it start? Where did it continue to spread? How does […]

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The Panic Might Be Worse Than the Virus: What We Know and What We Don’t Know

We see this every time. Every. Single. Time. Something unknown happens. The worst-case scenario is assumed. People behave irrationally in a panic. A billion arguments happen on Twitter and Facebook while the…

We see this every time. Every. Single. Time. Something unknown happens. The worst-case scenario is assumed. People behave irrationally in a panic. A billion arguments happen on Twitter and Facebook while the market collapses. Then… more knowledge is gained. Uncertainty is resolved. People calm down. The market recovers. And we move onto the next crisis […]

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How to Find Your Passion, Your Unfair Advantage, and Make Money

Dean had severe dyslexia and couldn’t read. Grew up in a trailer park. Got forgotten in school. People said he wouldn’t amount to anything. He didn’t go to college. “I didn’t have…

Dean had severe dyslexia and couldn’t read. Grew up in a trailer park. Got forgotten in school. People said he wouldn’t amount to anything. He didn’t go to college. “I didn’t have any money,” he said. “But I loved fixing things. Building things. I wanted to follow my passion.” Now he’s worth $50 million, and […]

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10 Years a Drug Addict

In 2010 I became a full-blown drug addict. I had gotten divorced a few years earlier. I’d been broke at least three times by 2010. I had lost two homes by then.…

In 2010 I became a full-blown drug addict. I had gotten divorced a few years earlier. I’d been broke at least three times by 2010. I had lost two homes by then. I had failed at many businesses. Many times I had considered suicide or, at the very least, had no idea how I was […]

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What You Need to Know About the Coronavirus

I’m trying a new thing that’s important to me. There’s constant fear mongering on tons of issues. When Iran got in the news, my kids were worried it was the end of…

I’m trying a new thing that’s important to me. There’s constant fear mongering on tons of issues. When Iran got in the news, my kids were worried it was the end of the world and they would be drafted. So I did a podcast with an expert (as opposed to a spectator on Facebook shouting […]

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