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Don't Be Easy

I have to give a talk next week at Microsoft. I said, “I have to prepare it. But it will be easy”. She made a joke, “Don’t be easy.” But she’s right:…

I have to give a talk next week at Microsoft. I said, “I have to prepare it. But it will be easy”. She made a joke, “Don’t be easy.” But she’s right: If you are going to give of yourself, don’t be easy. Don’t make your words slutty. Make it painful to get those words […]

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The Magic of Uncertainty

I wanted the plane to crash. I wanted her to break up with me. And I wanted my business to fail. I could picture it: the plane spiraling down out of control.…

I wanted the plane to crash. I wanted her to break up with me. And I wanted my business to fail. I could picture it: the plane spiraling down out of control. Maybe on fire. Maybe everyone screaming. But before that, I wanted her to tell me she loved me. That she was CERTAIN. I […]

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What To Do When There’s An Invisible Gun To Your Head (and how to rebuild your broken idea machine…)

The way to have good ideas is to get close to killing yourself… I mean it…but let me dial that back a little.   How about this…it’s like weightlifting. When you lift…

The way to have good ideas is to get close to killing yourself… I mean it…but let me dial that back a little.   How about this…it’s like weightlifting. When you lift slightly more than you can handle, you get stronger. And in life, when the gun is to your head, you either figure it […]

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How I Make Money Off Of Trends…

I visited Google a few months ago with some friends and, after almost getting arrested, my mind was blown… First, we wandered into the garage where they were actually making or fixing…

I visited Google a few months ago with some friends and, after almost getting arrested, my mind was blown… First, we wandered into the garage where they were actually making or fixing the driver-less cars. When they finally realized we were wandering around, security had to escort us out. We got scared and we thought […]

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Steal These 2 (Profitable) Ideas And Stay On The Right Side Of The Future…

  By the end of this I’ll have given you two ideas on how to stay ahead of the trends that will unlock over $20 billion (maybe more) into our economy in…

  By the end of this I’ll have given you two ideas on how to stay ahead of the trends that will unlock over $20 billion (maybe more) into our economy in the next 5 years…. *But there’s much more to it than that, I mean for you personally.   I have to tell you […]

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How to Change the World By Doing This One Thing Every Day

Malala was shot in the face for standing up for her beliefs. Her persistence and bravery forced the world to listen. She became the youngest Nobel Peace prize winner in history. Her…

Malala was shot in the face for standing up for her beliefs. Her persistence and bravery forced the world to listen. She became the youngest Nobel Peace prize winner in history. Her inspirations: Martin Luther King. Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela was in jail for 27 years and then saved a country. Mandela and King’s biggest […]

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How to Buy Low and Sell High

I thought I would feel ecstasy when I made a lot of money. I thought I could cut my heart out and eat it for breakfast and be hungry for lunch later.…

I thought I would feel ecstasy when I made a lot of money. I thought I could cut my heart out and eat it for breakfast and be hungry for lunch later. I thought that everyone would love me. I thought I would walk in the middle of the street and cars would pass right […]

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