Blog Category: Impression Technique

What To Do When You've Been Shot in the Gut?

I went to a therapist when things were really bad. I can’t function, I told her. I can’t read, or write, or phone people. I can’t fake being human anymore. She said,…

I went to a therapist when things were really bad. I can’t function, I told her. I can’t read, or write, or phone people. I can’t fake being human anymore. She said, ok. Ok, You are saying a lot here. She said, Ok. I understand. But you have to listen to me. She said, Your […]

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Are You Taking Care of Your Path Today?

I owe the Mercer Hotel $70,000. I was separated, depressed, afraid to leave my room so I always ordered room service. I stayed six months. It was a long time ago. But…

I owe the Mercer Hotel $70,000. I was separated, depressed, afraid to leave my room so I always ordered room service. I stayed six months. It was a long time ago. But maybe that doesn’t forgive things. Will this be an evil spell I cast on myself? When you’re depressed its hard to dig your […]

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What Do You Do On The Worst Day Of Your Life and The Best Day?

I’m scared I didn’t spend enough time with my daughters when they were growing up. And now they are little women. Am I too late? My 16 year old, Josie, came into…

I’m scared I didn’t spend enough time with my daughters when they were growing up. And now they are little women. Am I too late? My 16 year old, Josie, came into town. I was giving a lecture to 300 college students. She wanted to watch. We walked around campus talking about everything and nothing. […]

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The More You Judge, The More You Sentence Yourself To Prison… And Other Fun Tales

I spent the ages of 7 until 16 in some form of Juvie or foster care, she was telling me. We were standing in front of a fire. There was meat or…

I spent the ages of 7 until 16 in some form of Juvie or foster care, she was telling me. We were standing in front of a fire. There was meat or something in the fire. It smelled bad. It was on the west side of NYC. I was raped every day, she said. I […]

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Life-Hacks, 10 Life-Habits, 10 Meta-Habits

Imagine a piece of meat. Put some bones underneath it, cover the bones with muscles and nerves and skin. Put on two pairs of eyes and a mouth (but not too big…

Imagine a piece of meat. Put some bones underneath it, cover the bones with muscles and nerves and skin. Put on two pairs of eyes and a mouth (but not too big a mouth, those are annoying). Take a huge needle and inject life into it. It’s going to hurt at first. But that’s what […]

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I Wish I Had A Brother Because…

I wish I had a brother who I looked up to. I wish my brother and I went to different schools and slowly grew apart over the years and that made us…

I wish I had a brother who I looked up to. I wish my brother and I went to different schools and slowly grew apart over the years and that made us sad. I wish we made a pact to send each other a YouTube video about our lives every week so we can re-learn […]

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How To Get Off The Floor When All Seems Hopeless

I’m sorry I lied to you that day I posted on Craigslist that I was psychic. The night before I had vomited all over my room from too much to drink. I…

I’m sorry I lied to you that day I posted on Craigslist that I was psychic. The night before I had vomited all over my room from too much to drink. I had cried to my baby girls on the phone. I was scared. I needed help. Nobody would help. This is the truth really. […]

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