Blog Category: Writing

Tyler Cowen: What the Future Holds… Stagnation or Innovation?

We’ve become too comfortable. We’re innovating less and watching Netflix more. When I think of a “complacent class,” (a group of people who don’t care to move forward or move at all),…

We’ve become too comfortable. We’re innovating less and watching Netflix more. When I think of a “complacent class,” (a group of people who don’t care to move forward or move at all), I think of this: Americans soaking high wages off the backs of more aggressive global economies. I picture us eating delivered food, never […]

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Ep. 280 – Chuck Klosterman: From Yesterday to Today: Comparing How We Interact with Culture

Episode 280: From Yesterday to Today I can’t just call Chuck a writer. He’s arguably one of the most successful pop culture critics. “Oh sure,” he said. “And I have a big…

Episode 280: From Yesterday to Today I can’t just call Chuck a writer. He’s arguably one of the most successful pop culture critics. “Oh sure,” he said. “And I have a big advantage. Most critics want to be the first to write about something, I get to be the last person. And that puts me […]

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Elizabeth Smart: How She Endured Tragedy, Survived and Created Her New Normal

I was really nervous for this podcast. Elizabeth Smart has been through so much trauma. And I’m sure everyone says that to her. Was she sick of hearing that after all these…

I was really nervous for this podcast. Elizabeth Smart has been through so much trauma. And I’m sure everyone says that to her. Was she sick of hearing that after all these years? I wanted to learn how she survived. The kidnapper came through her window, held a knife to her throat and threatened to […]

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Griffin Dunne: Never Doubt, Just Do – How to Follow Your Gut

Episode 277: Never Doubt, Just Do I wish they’d send Joan to space. She’s a real writer… who wrote about true things. I want her to describe the feeling and the wonderment…

Episode 277: Never Doubt, Just Do I wish they’d send Joan to space. She’s a real writer… who wrote about true things. I want her to describe the feeling and the wonderment of what life would be like. But they don’t send writers to space. Only scientists (for now). Joan Didion pioneered a new genre […]

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Scott Adams: The Hardest Sell – Convincing Someone You’re Not What You Used to Be

It’s Scott’s 3rd time on the podcast. In the first interview, he was “the creator of Dilbert.” A famous cartoonist. The second time he was still “the creator of Dilbert” and a…

It’s Scott’s 3rd time on the podcast. In the first interview, he was “the creator of Dilbert.” A famous cartoonist. The second time he was still “the creator of Dilbert” and a hypnosis/persuasion student. Now (appearance #3), Scott Adams is something new. He’s reinvented. And no longer standing on the footbridge between old self and […]

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John C. McGinley: The Root of REAL Reinvention – Having The Right Attitude

Episode 275: The Root of REAL Reinvention He was trying out a role built for him. The screenwriter wrote the script with John in mind. He wrote his name in the margin.…

Episode 275: The Root of REAL Reinvention He was trying out a role built for him. The screenwriter wrote the script with John in mind. He wrote his name in the margin. “A John McGinley type.” “Did that give you high confidence?” I asked him. “No, they made me audition 5 times for a John […]

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Lewis Howes: The Masks of Masculinity

Episode 272: The Masks of Masculinity: Why Men Wear Masks and How to Remove them To Live Your Best Life I don’t speak “guy”. I even own part of a bar. And…

Episode 272: The Masks of Masculinity: Why Men Wear Masks and How to Remove them To Live Your Best Life I don’t speak “guy”. I even own part of a bar. And when I hang out at my own bar I sit around and everyone is speaking “guy”. I want to make friends but I […]

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