Blog Category: Impression Technique

Ep. 203: Susan David – What To Do When You’re Deeply Stuck In Your Job and Asking, "How Did I Get Here?"

It’s the most commonly believed lie. It will make you lose all your money. It’ll make you wake up in your 40’s or 50’s and wonder what you’re going to do about…

It’s the most commonly believed lie. It will make you lose all your money. It’ll make you wake up in your 40’s or 50’s and wonder what you’re going to do about retirement. It will make you develop your worst possible habits. For me, it was drinking. And waking up face to floor. I was […]

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Ep. 199: Gretchen Rubin – Where Happiness Hides…

“When did you decide to go from being a lawyer to a full-time writer?” I asked Gretchen Rubin. She wrote the #1 New York Times bestseller, “The Happiness Project.” She worked for…

“When did you decide to go from being a lawyer to a full-time writer?” I asked Gretchen Rubin. She wrote the #1 New York Times bestseller, “The Happiness Project.” She worked for The Supreme Court. “I was surrounded by people who loved law. They were reading law on the weekends. They were talking about law […]

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Ep. 198: Dan Ariely – Creating "A True, Deep Sense of Accomplishment"

Dan Ariely was burned all over his body. He lived in the hospital for years. He grew up there. Now he writes about pain. And irrationality. And meaning. He had nerve damage…

Dan Ariely was burned all over his body. He lived in the hospital for years. He grew up there. Now he writes about pain. And irrationality. And meaning. He had nerve damage from the burns. And no skin to protect himself from pain. The nurses rip off his bandages. He begged them to peel them […]

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Ep. 197: Steven Pressfield – How To Go From Amateur To Turning Pro

I had a full time job. I was trying to run a business on the side. I was pitching two TV shows. And I was obsessively playing chess day and night and…

I had a full time job. I was trying to run a business on the side. I was pitching two TV shows. And I was obsessively playing chess day and night and traveling to tournaments. And nothing was going well. My attention was scattered. I was unhappy. I felt stuck. One time I was talking […]

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Ep. 196: Tim Ferriss – What I Learned From Tim Ferriss’s ‘Tools of Titans’

I was very late and I was very upset at myself. I had flown three thousand miles. I moved into an Airbnb right next to where Tim was staying. I had written…

I was very late and I was very upset at myself. I had flown three thousand miles. I moved into an Airbnb right next to where Tim was staying. I had written thousands of notes on ripped pieces of paper and stuck them all throughout the book. I had notes written up and around all […]

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Ep. 195: Josh Foer – The Explorer’s Code

The Explorer’s Code:  I wanted to wake each morning, not anxious about my day anymore. Not worried about what so-and-so would say, or where my career was going, or what was I…

The Explorer’s Code:  I wanted to wake each morning, not anxious about my day anymore. Not worried about what so-and-so would say, or where my career was going, or what was I going to write today. My only job each day is to explore something new. So I called up Josh and asked him how […]

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