Blog Category: Impression Technique

Ep. 213: AJ Jacobs – Podcasting, Then and NOW

My first podcast is 24 minutes long. It’s just me. No guest. The topic: “Why College Is a Waste of Time.” Then I did one about my book “Choose Yourself.” One week…

My first podcast is 24 minutes long. It’s just me. No guest. The topic: “Why College Is a Waste of Time.” Then I did one about my book “Choose Yourself.” One week later, I got 30 minutes with Robert Greene. Then an hour with Tucker Max, an hour with Gary Vaynerchuk, and an hour with […]

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Ep. 212: Anna Koppelman – How to Find Your World… Where You Belong

Anna Koppelman is an angel. She’s the angel I wish I had looking over me  back when I was being bullied. When I was a kid, it was “Lord of The Flies”…

Anna Koppelman is an angel. She’s the angel I wish I had looking over me  back when I was being bullied. When I was a kid, it was “Lord of The Flies” on the playground. Nobody cared at all. Kids would kill each other at recess and whoever survived went back to class. But it’s […]

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Ep. 208: Ken Kurson – What Will Trump Do As President? We Hear From The Expert

Social media is a bloodbath. Trump. Hillary. Walls. Genitals. Crooked this or Deplorable that. There’s two things I know: 1)  I choose whether I am happy with a situation or not. Whether…

Social media is a bloodbath. Trump. Hillary. Walls. Genitals. Crooked this or Deplorable that. There’s two things I know: 1)  I choose whether I am happy with a situation or not. Whether I am “free” or not. Nobody else can choose that for me unless I give them permission. If a situation (call it X) […]

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Ep. 207: Chris Smith – How Jon Stewart Redefined Late Night and Became a Hero of Comedy

“We all lived through it. But one of the fun or interesting realizations I came to in reporting the book was… Can we curse on your podcast?” “Yeah. Anything goes.” “… Is just…

“We all lived through it. But one of the fun or interesting realizations I came to in reporting the book was… Can we curse on your podcast?” “Yeah. Anything goes.” “… Is just how much shit happened in the world between 1999 and 2015.” Chris Smith is the author of The New York Times bestseller, “The […]

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Ep. 206: Steven Johnson – Did The Invention Of The Record Player Cause More Boys Than Girls In China?

I wish I was as smart as Steven Johnson. I asked him, “What is your one favorite thing that everybody thinks is bad for you that is actually good for you?” He…

I wish I was as smart as Steven Johnson. I asked him, “What is your one favorite thing that everybody thinks is bad for you that is actually good for you?” He didn’t want to tell me. “My kids might listen to this later,” he said. But he told me… He’s the author of “Where […]

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Ep. 205: Jairek Robbins – You’re Overworked, Tired and Can’t Turn Off Your Mind… Try This

You know that game where you flip a card, see the face and turn it back over, then try to find the match? That’s the game we’re going to play… Write down…

You know that game where you flip a card, see the face and turn it back over, then try to find the match? That’s the game we’re going to play… Write down your values. I told Jairek mine. I had three. Jairek is a life coach. And Tony Robbins is his dad. But that doesn’t […]

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Ep. 204: Mike Massimino – "I’m Not Good Enough" Probably Means You Will Get Good Enough

Mike Massimino failed his PhD the first time. Failed the astronaut test the first three times. Failed to get the highest evaluation when he walked into space the first time. And almost…

Mike Massimino failed his PhD the first time. Failed the astronaut test the first three times. Failed to get the highest evaluation when he walked into space the first time. And almost destroyed the Hubble Telescope on the last attempt the US was going to make to fix it. But he did it. He did […]

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