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5 Things Every Man Should Know

[originally a question asked on Quora so I answered] I’m 50. Here’s what a man should know: A) Quit Your Job You can’t get rich at a job. You have to get…

[originally a question asked on Quora so I answered] I’m 50. Here’s what a man should know: A) Quit Your Job You can’t get rich at a job. You have to get rich by either starting a business or having multiple streams of income. A job is only one stream of income. “Me, Inc.” should […]

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The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective Minimalists

I answered a question on Quora: What are the small things you can do to have a good life? You can view the thread here.  It’s been three months since I threw everything…

I answered a question on Quora: What are the small things you can do to have a good life? You can view the thread here.  It’s been three months since I threw everything out. I’ve lived in four different places. I haven’t paid rent anywhere. I always have benefited from the kindness of others. That doesn’t […]

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Are You A Civilian?

I was a civilian for a long time. I worked in my cubicle, hoping to get a raise… a promotion. Sometimes the cubicle changed and it would be a new title, new…

I was a civilian for a long time. I worked in my cubicle, hoping to get a raise… a promotion. Sometimes the cubicle changed and it would be a new title, new company, new “friends,” new employee handbook. New boss to choose whether I flourished or suffered. Sometimes the boss would look at me: his […]

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What's Love Got To Do With It?

I’ve had breakups in May, August, November, October, June, April, January (my birthday), July (I’m not much fun in the summer, it seems. The worst is when they walk out the door…

I’ve had breakups in May, August, November, October, June, April, January (my birthday), July (I’m not much fun in the summer, it seems. The worst is when they walk out the door and say, “see you later” and you never see them again. The other go-to technique is when one side moves to another city […]

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The Middle Class Is Dead (uber)

He was going to scare me and beat me into submission and I was nervous because he looked like he could take his belt off and slap me right across the face…

He was going to scare me and beat me into submission and I was nervous because he looked like he could take his belt off and slap me right across the face with it. He used to manage a trillion dollars or so for the richest family in the world. The kind of family that […]

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Shoot Your Fear — 7 photos from just 7 days.

I felt trapped. So I shot her. She looked aggressive. And I was curious about her. So I got closer. And started asking questions. I knew if i didn’t talk to her,…

I felt trapped. So I shot her. She looked aggressive. And I was curious about her. So I got closer. And started asking questions. I knew if i didn’t talk to her, I’d be itchy forever. People say it’s dangerous to ask questions. They’re wrong. If I let fear stop me from saying “yes” to […]

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Why the Economy is Totally Screwed. And How You Can Make Money Off of it Today

I’m scared. Imagine you’re the passenger and a coke-addict speed addict drunk is driving the car and it’s on one of those James Bond cliffs where one wrong move and everybody dies…

I’m scared. Imagine you’re the passenger and a coke-addict speed addict drunk is driving the car and it’s on one of those James Bond cliffs where one wrong move and everybody dies in a firebomb. That’s where the economy is. I’m not a doom and gloom guy. I’m an optimist. And the firebomb is my […]

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