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8 Excuses Why My Excuses Are Awesome

My comfort zone is rock solid. Because I used my excuses to build it. And because I’m super-smart my excuses are like diamond. Trust me. You can’t even drag me out of…

My comfort zone is rock solid. Because I used my excuses to build it. And because I’m super-smart my excuses are like diamond. Trust me. You can’t even drag me out of my comfort zone. Hell, you can’t even get in. But there are a lot of things I wish I could do. They are […]

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Persuasion Techniques Saved Me $40,000 And A Year Of My Life

I was going to get thrown out of college because I didn’t have enough money and I was stupid. Each year, I’d borrow enough to get me through another year. Every summer…

I was going to get thrown out of college because I didn’t have enough money and I was stupid. Each year, I’d borrow enough to get me through another year. Every summer I stayed at school and took 2-3 courses. This way I could skip my senior year and avoid having to take out more […]

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The One Thing I Wish I Knew In My 20's

I was 25 and I went shopping for an engagement ring for my girlfriend. We had been together for three years and my dad kept asking when I would marry her. My…

I was 25 and I went shopping for an engagement ring for my girlfriend. We had been together for three years and my dad kept asking when I would marry her. My friends kept asking. Her friends kept asking. Her dad kept asking her. We were living together. And I liked her. Maybe I loved […]

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The 3 D's of Investing

Not too long ago, Britain decided it had had enough and filed for divorce from the European Union. Like many divorces, it was messy and bitter. And it’ll still be years before…

Not too long ago, Britain decided it had had enough and filed for divorce from the European Union. Like many divorces, it was messy and bitter. And it’ll still be years before they reach a final settlement. People took sides and everyone got upset. “What about the children?” they cried. Which, in this case, meant, […]

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The 20 Habits of Eventual Millionaires

[Note: Download your own copy here.] I read book after book but the advice seemed awful. And even the advice that was clearly good (“eat better”) there was almost zero chance I…

[Note: Download your own copy here.] I read book after book but the advice seemed awful. And even the advice that was clearly good (“eat better”) there was almost zero chance I would follow. I don’t know how to take good advice. I don’t know how to give it. And all of this talk about […]

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Last Texts of the Dying

I wanted to have an adventure. I’m an explorer. I woke up and dragged my kids out of bed and said we were going for a walk. They screamed “WHY!?” “SHUT UP!”…

I wanted to have an adventure. I’m an explorer. I woke up and dragged my kids out of bed and said we were going for a walk. They screamed “WHY!?” “SHUT UP!” I yelled back. We zigged and zagged through Chinatown until we found an obscure alley that I had read about: Cortlandt Alley. In […]

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Fight or Flight Investing

If you’ve ever followed anything I’ve written or interviews I’ve done, you’ve probably heard me say that the stock market is a scam. And that’s because, quite frankly, it largely is. So…

If you’ve ever followed anything I’ve written or interviews I’ve done, you’ve probably heard me say that the stock market is a scam. And that’s because, quite frankly, it largely is. So many public companies manipulate their numbers, so many mutual funds and stockbrokers have a bunch of hidden fees. All these investment news sources […]

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