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I had to speak at TEDxSanDiego and five minutes before I went up I left the building and wasn’t planning on coming back. Speaking before me was the amazing Gabrielle Ury. Differently-abled…

I had to speak at TEDxSanDiego and five minutes before I went up I left the building and wasn’t planning on coming back. Speaking before me was the amazing Gabrielle Ury. Differently-abled from birth, I was crying by the end of her talk of resilience. I was the last speaker. And then after me was […]

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Common Traits of Highly Intelligent People

I was crying in the hammock because of how stupid I was. The hammock was in between two houses I owned. Two houses that had property tax liens on them. Which means…

I was crying in the hammock because of how stupid I was. The hammock was in between two houses I owned. Two houses that had property tax liens on them. Which means the State IRS puts signs all over your house in order to humiliate you. I was about to lose both houses. I kept […]

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I posted the photograph above and over 60 people unfollowed me on Instagram almost immediately. One person wrote: “Okayyyyy….DELETED.” Other times I’ve written about my thoughts on the economy and people scream…

I posted the photograph above and over 60 people unfollowed me on Instagram almost immediately. One person wrote: “Okayyyyy….DELETED.” Other times I’ve written about my thoughts on the economy and people scream in the comments: “You Trump-Loving JEWBAG.” (Unemployment is at a 50-year low.) Another time, the Libertarian Party of NY wanted me to run […]

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A Hemp Payday from the 2018 Farm Bill

In a few short days, Congress is going to put a piece of legislation on President Trump’s desk that will trigger a wave of investment into a particular industry once its signed.…

In a few short days, Congress is going to put a piece of legislation on President Trump’s desk that will trigger a wave of investment into a particular industry once its signed.   The legislation I’m referring to is the 2018 Farm Bill. I expect Congress to agree on the details of the bill as […]

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What Disturbing Items Aliens Might Find Here 2,000 Years From Now

It’s 2,000 years in the future. What item from today could an archaeologist find that would falsely depict our time period? A hamburger and milkshake. “What the hell?”, the alien archaeologist said,…

It’s 2,000 years in the future. What item from today could an archaeologist find that would falsely depict our time period? A hamburger and milkshake. “What the hell?”, the alien archaeologist said, picking through the ruins of our once thriving planet. The other archaeologists look over. “It looks like they used this as food and […]

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The One Habit That Keeps 99% Of People From Getting Rich

I said “Yes” to speak at a conference a few months ago. And then… I ghosted them. I didn’t show up. I didn’t tell them I wasn’t going to show up. I…

I said “Yes” to speak at a conference a few months ago. And then… I ghosted them. I didn’t show up. I didn’t tell them I wasn’t going to show up. I thought I wanted to go. But what I really wanted was to be asked. I wrote to them at first, “How come you […]

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I had to throw a coconut in the street at midnight on the corner of Greenwich and Lispenard. I was told to smash it.  I threw it and it bounced and it…

I had to throw a coconut in the street at midnight on the corner of Greenwich and Lispenard. I was told to smash it.  I threw it and it bounced and it laughed at me. What the heck do I do now? A car came by and I was ashamed. I ran into the street […]

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