Blog Category: Uncategorized

The Chelsea Hotel, Chubb Rock, and you can never go home again.

It was three in the morning and the girl was crying on the staircase between the 7th and 6th floor of the Chelsea Hotel on 23rd Street. I lived on the 9th…

It was three in the morning and the girl was crying on the staircase between the 7th and 6th floor of the Chelsea Hotel on 23rd Street. I lived on the 9th floor. I walked past the girl and I desperately wanted to talk to her. I was going to be her hero. And whatever […]

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Osama Bin Laden, Stockpickr, and Everything I know about Negotiation

When the FBI came to my door in mid-2002 and asked me what I knew about “UBL”, their name for Osama Bin Laden, I got a bit nervous. My kids were playing…

When the FBI came to my door in mid-2002 and asked me what I knew about “UBL”, their name for Osama Bin Laden, I got a bit nervous. My kids were playing on the floor and I was in the middle of trade during a rough patch in the markets. At that time (the Internet […]

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Did I Mention I was a Respiratory Therapist?

Did I mention the time I was a professional respiratory therapist? My girlfriend’s sister’s boyfriend’s father heard that I liked to write. He had an idea for a novel based on his…

Did I mention the time I was a professional respiratory therapist? My girlfriend’s sister’s boyfriend’s father heard that I liked to write. He had an idea for a novel based on his life experience as a doctor but for several reasons he couldn’t write it himself. So he called me, introduced himself, explained the situation […]

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9 Things I'd do if I knew I was going to die today

Nick had Hepatitis D, a relatively rare form of Hepatitis that is always fatal and quick. “There’s no point in taking medication,” he told me. “Its all experimental anyway and I have…

Nick had Hepatitis D, a relatively rare form of Hepatitis that is always fatal and quick. “There’s no point in taking medication,” he told me. “Its all experimental anyway and I have no insurance. Eventually my liver will fail and a few weeks after that I’ll be dead.” He was a good looking guy in […]

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Wherein I went to live in a homeless shelter

I wanted to live in the homeless shelter in downtown Pittsburgh because it was about a block from where I worked and I thought the faster commute would make my life easier.…

I wanted to live in the homeless shelter in downtown Pittsburgh because it was about a block from where I worked and I thought the faster commute would make my life easier. The homeless shelter itself had that slight distasteful smell that homeless shelters seem to get and even years later, when the shelters turn […]

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32 Unusual Ways to Love Ourselves

Below is a guest post from Claudia who writes at her blog, Earth Yogi as well as The Elephant Journal. This is one of those posts you want to print up and…

Below is a guest post from Claudia who writes at her blog, Earth Yogi as well as The Elephant Journal. This is one of those posts you want to print up and hang on a wall somewhere.  I am speaking for myself but I think most people have the same issue: its hard not to […]

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The Wu-Tang Clan, Hitler, and surviving your first year of being an entrepreneur

The first day I became an entrepreneur I cried. I had already been running a company, Reset, on the side while I worked at HBO fulltime. Our clients at Reset included American…

The first day I became an entrepreneur I cried. I had already been running a company, Reset, on the side while I worked at HBO fulltime. Our clients at Reset included American Express, Con Edison, various divisions within Time Warner, BMG, Universal, and of course, HBO. I couldn’t keep conducting business from my cubicle. My […]

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