Blog Category: Uncategorized

5 Unusual Things I Learned from Isaac Asimov

The second time the police were called to pick me up I was fifteen years old. I was originally going to type “the first time” but then I realized that I had…

The second time the police were called to pick me up I was fifteen years old. I was originally going to type “the first time” but then I realized that I had gotten in serious trouble one time before. But that’s another story. First I have to confess to my kids about it. But back […]

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How To Be the Best At Anything You Want to Do

I’m writing this while sitting in a hotel room. To my left is the Pacific Ocean and all the magical San Francisco fog stuff people kept whispering to me about. About four…

I’m writing this while sitting in a hotel room. To my left is the Pacific Ocean and all the magical San Francisco fog stuff people kept whispering to me about. About four feet directly behind me is a woman that is a complete stranger to me who is having an unbelievably long orgasm. There’s a […]

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Pearl Harbor Caused the Financial Crisis of 2008

Pearl Harbor ruined my life. I’m going to cut right to the chase. When the Japanese invaded Pearl Harbor, provoking our massive WW II response, in a very direct way, it cause…

Pearl Harbor ruined my life. I’m going to cut right to the chase. When the Japanese invaded Pearl Harbor, provoking our massive WW II response, in a very direct way, it cause the financial crisis of 2008, my divorce, my potential poverty, and most other problems in my life. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and so did […]

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Thank You, Claudia

Thanks for getting better from the Lyme disease. You’ve been sick since August and quite frankly, it’s been a real drag for me. Thanks for coming to all of my talks. You’ve…

Thanks for getting better from the Lyme disease. You’ve been sick since August and quite frankly, it’s been a real drag for me. Thanks for coming to all of my talks. You’ve probably heard me say the same joke about Aaron Spelling 15 times in a row and you still laugh. But it’s really true, […]

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When I Retire I Will…

I was about three years old and my dad scared the hell out of me. It was the first day of Yellow Duck nursery school. I had never been to school before.…

I was about three years old and my dad scared the hell out of me. It was the first day of Yellow Duck nursery school. I had never been to school before. I vaguely remember being upset about it. Perhaps crying. My dad said, “first you’ll have two years of nursery school, then a year […]

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Every week I do a Twitter Q&A from 3:30 – 4:30. What was fun about this one was that I did it from San Francisco, immediately after meeting some friends at Twitter’s…

Every week I do a Twitter Q&A from 3:30 – 4:30. What was fun about this one was that I did it from San Francisco, immediately after meeting some friends at Twitter’s offices. DOES PERFECTIONISM LEAD TO SUCCESS OR FAILURE? @socialhotchocoPriscilla Wood Asks: How do you deal with perfection? Many times I feel I can’t execute […]

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Being Unpredictable Will Free You

I just got this email from a friend of mine: “in Mexico… got grazed by a bullet that wound up infected, and then I got a hernia, and then I started to…

I just got this email from a friend of mine: “in Mexico… got grazed by a bullet that wound up infected, and then I got a hernia, and then I started to bleed internally…” There were more details: “drug cartels”… “corrupt cops”. I wrote him some questions to get more details. Assuming he’s still alive […]

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