Blog Category: Self-care


I was angry once with my ex-wife so i said, “PULL OVER THE CAR!” and she pulled over and I got out on an empty road near nowhere, in 90 degree weather.…

I was angry once with my ex-wife so i said, “PULL OVER THE CAR!” and she pulled over and I got out on an empty road near nowhere, in 90 degree weather. I was wearing a suit, carrying a suitcase, and I started walking the other direction while she drove off. “I showed her!” I […]

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I honestly don’t know how to start this story. There’s many ways I can start it. One time a friend of mine told me she had taken every drug out there. I…

I honestly don’t know how to start this story. There’s many ways I can start it. One time a friend of mine told me she had taken every drug out there. I asked her what was the best. She said, “By far heroin is the best. But it made me sick and was too addictive. […]

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The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Dealing With Haters

It’s easy to get anonymous people to hate you – to attract haters. All you have to do is have an opinion. Be creative. Be yourself. But sometimes it gets worse. I’ve…

It’s easy to get anonymous people to hate you – to attract haters. All you have to do is have an opinion. Be creative. Be yourself. But sometimes it gets worse. I’ve had death threats, legal threats, I’ve lost friends, even family, over things I’ve written. I’ve lost the respect of many I still respect. […]

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Why 2014 Is The Year You Change

  I stopped going to classes. I had a scholarship that paid all my living expenses ($1200/month) so I didn’t want to quit (ugh, and get a job?). So I stayed a…

  I stopped going to classes. I had a scholarship that paid all my living expenses ($1200/month) so I didn’t want to quit (ugh, and get a job?). So I stayed a student but I failed every class I took for three semesters in a row. Finally Merrick Furst the Dean, wrote me a note […]

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Are You Playing or Are You Dead?

  Go ahead, ask a kid what he likes to do. He says, “I like to play”. What do you do when you’re not playing? “What do you mean?” the kid might…

  Go ahead, ask a kid what he likes to do. He says, “I like to play”. What do you do when you’re not playing? “What do you mean?” the kid might say, “I play some more”. A kid can take a ROCK and then play with it. “Kick the rock”. I’ll tell you the […]

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Sometimes I feel like I’m engulfed in red flames. I don’t want to be afraid or anxious any more. There are two banks to the river: on one bank are all the regrets,…

Sometimes I feel like I’m engulfed in red flames. I don’t want to be afraid or anxious any more. There are two banks to the river: on one bank are all the regrets, guilt…past. On the other bank are all the worries, anxieties…future. I lived most of my life on the bottom of the river, clinging […]

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The Cure for the Emotional Flu

  It’s hard to live. To digest. To get a job. To find someone to love. To find someone who loves you back. People make a lot of money trying to solve…

  It’s hard to live. To digest. To get a job. To find someone to love. To find someone who loves you back. People make a lot of money trying to solve all of the above problems. They sell packages for $19.95 a month and then people like me forget to unsubscribe. At the end […]

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