Blog Category: Politics

When Did Social “Networks” Turn Into Social “Media”?

I miss my Facebook friends. They used to be so nice. I’d “like” old photos of weddings I never attended. I’d think, “Wow, Dave’s got a book out,” or “Man, my old…

I miss my Facebook friends. They used to be so nice. I’d “like” old photos of weddings I never attended. I’d think, “Wow, Dave’s got a book out,” or “Man, my old crush has seven kids.” Now everyone’s sitting in their suburban air-conditioned homes with their Ivy League diplomas on the wall typing out, “Anyone […]

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I Am Always Scared

As I’m writing this, I’m about to interview Justice Sonia Sotomayor. The first time a Supreme Court Justice has ever been on a podcast. The first, first time. As usual, I am…

As I’m writing this, I’m about to interview Justice Sonia Sotomayor. The first time a Supreme Court Justice has ever been on a podcast. The first, first time. As usual, I am very nervous. I’m terrified. I’ve done 500 episodes of “The James Altucher Show” and maybe 1,000 other podcasts but I still get nervous […]

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Imagine A World Where Self-Respect Is More Important Than Fame

Imagine this: a woman slave escapes from you. You try to kidnap her away from her children, and bring her back to your house. You want her to spend the rest of…

Imagine this: a woman slave escapes from you. You try to kidnap her away from her children, and bring her back to your house. You want her to spend the rest of her life as your slave. I’m fascinated by the story of Ona Judge. For one thing, I love anyone named Ona. But more […]

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The Silent Moderates

I cancelled a podcast because I heard from mutual friends that the potential guest had cheated on his wife. I don’t like people who cheat. Trump cheated on his wife. So there’s…

I cancelled a podcast because I heard from mutual friends that the potential guest had cheated on his wife. I don’t like people who cheat. Trump cheated on his wife. So there’s that. I wish Obama had ended the two wars that are now entering their 17th year. Too many teenagers dying. I don’t like […]

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The Most Damaging Fake News of All Time

I grew up in my own prison. The bars were all the beliefs handed to me by society, my parents, my friends, my teachers, my bosses, my loved ones. I’m not free…

I grew up in my own prison. The bars were all the beliefs handed to me by society, my parents, my friends, my teachers, my bosses, my loved ones. I’m not free of the prison. I suspect it’s impossible. But being aware of the ways in which we are imprisoned, the ways in which free […]

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Why Can't Trump and Obama Do This…?

I haven’t watched the news in about six years. But when Trump met Obama I really wanted to see what would happen. Here’s what I imagined would happen: I imagined that when…

I haven’t watched the news in about six years. But when Trump met Obama I really wanted to see what would happen. Here’s what I imagined would happen: I imagined that when they first met they would have a conversation that would go something like this… Donald: Listen, we’ve never met before and there’s a […]

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This week (June, 2013) I was going to announce I was running for Congress. I was taking it very seriously and for the past three months this was the week I was…

This week (June, 2013) I was going to announce I was running for Congress. I was taking it very seriously and for the past three months this was the week I was planning on announcing. I had hired people to run the campaign. I had gotten great advice. I had studied the current incumbent in […]

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