Blog Category: Investing

This Life Hack is So Easy It’s Trivial…

This life hack is so easy it’s trivial. I am almost embarrassed to share it because it’s so obvious. And yet so few people do it and this one technique has made me…

This life hack is so easy it’s trivial. I am almost embarrassed to share it because it’s so obvious. And yet so few people do it and this one technique has made me millions of dollars. That almost sounds scammy: “It’s made me millions of dollars”. What can I say about that? I was dead broke […]

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Two Decisions That Can Save You Millions

What are the most useful money investment and saving tricks? I don’t know why more people don’t do this. But I can tell you how to save millions of dollars. Just two simple…

What are the most useful money investment and saving tricks? I don’t know why more people don’t do this. But I can tell you how to save millions of dollars. Just two simple decisions: A) Don’t buy a house. Lets say you buy a $500,000 house. You put $150,000 down (30%). You pay another $30,000 real […]

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Everything I Learned About Investing I Learned While Crying

A broker called up in the Fall of 1998 and suggested I buy a stock. I remember it. Intel. INTC. I had all my money in an account with him. I said,…

A broker called up in the Fall of 1998 and suggested I buy a stock. I remember it. Intel. INTC. I had all my money in an account with him. I said, “ok”. A few minutes later he called me back and said, “Sell it.” I said “ok”. I made $1000. I couldn’t believe it! […]

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What's The Worst Mistakes You Can Make In A Salary Negotiation

I’ve been an employer. And I’ve been an employee. And I’ve been on the board of a staffing agency and advised dozens of other companies on hires. I’ve seen every salary negotiation…

I’ve been an employer. And I’ve been an employee. And I’ve been on the board of a staffing agency and advised dozens of other companies on hires. I’ve seen every salary negotiation possible. 99.9% of hires make mistakes in the salary negotiations. That’s perfectly fine. They have a bigger vision for their careers and they […]

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Financial Fridays: Why Today Is The Day You Have To Reinvent Yourself

It’s going to be a shitstorm and I hope I have my umbrella. Incomes are getting lower every year. This will never stop. Since 1993. Income for people ages 18-35 have gone…

It’s going to be a shitstorm and I hope I have my umbrella. Incomes are getting lower every year. This will never stop. Since 1993. Income for people ages 18-35 have gone from $36,000 to $33,000. This seems like a small amount. It’s not. It’s the first time ever that income has gone down over […]

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Financial Fridays: What the 'Brexit' Means!

Nothing. I almost have nothing more to say about it. I haven’t been following the news at all about the entire issue. But I know a thing or two about financial disasters. This…

Nothing. I almost have nothing more to say about it. I haven’t been following the news at all about the entire issue. But I know a thing or two about financial disasters. This is so far from a financial disaster it’s almost ludicrous when I looked at the headlines (although I avoided reading the articles) this […]

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How To Create "Tiny Advantages" And Crush Your Opponents

First, let me tell you how you win a game of chess (you’ll see why)… Rule #1: Make sure all of your pieces are protected. There are exceptions to this rule but…

First, let me tell you how you win a game of chess (you’ll see why)… Rule #1: Make sure all of your pieces are protected. There are exceptions to this rule but in general just make sure you aren’t leaving anything hanging, that is, in such a way that the opponent can take it without […]

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