Blog Category: Impression Technique

What Do You See When You Look At This Image?

Take a look at the above image. Quick, tell me what you see? I used that image on a post the other day. Somebody wrote somewhere (maybe they tweeted it, maybe they…

Take a look at the above image. Quick, tell me what you see? I used that image on a post the other day. Somebody wrote somewhere (maybe they tweeted it, maybe they wrote on “my wall”. I don’t know. Somewhere.) – they wrote, “How come you have this half-naked girl on this post. I’m unsubscribing.” […]

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How I Would Unschool My Kids

My dad hit me when I got bad grades. Particularly when I was young and got a bad grade in “Conduct”. Happiness was an “A”. Even better: an “A+”. Sadness was an…

My dad hit me when I got bad grades. Particularly when I was young and got a bad grade in “Conduct”. Happiness was an “A”. Even better: an “A+”. Sadness was an “F”. It was almost like a joke. Like the only way to get an “F” is if you tried to screw up almost […]

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S.P.I.C.E – Sweet, Pretty, Intelligent, Creative, Emotionally Mature

I’ve had four fun conversations today so far about cheating, lying, backstabbing, and pain. It’s 5:53 am. If you talk to me, assume that I’m going to put our conversation word-for-word on…

I’ve had four fun conversations today so far about cheating, lying, backstabbing, and pain. It’s 5:53 am. If you talk to me, assume that I’m going to put our conversation word-for-word on this blog. However, I will always protect names and identities and will respect any wishes to not include a conversation. I will never […]

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What Are Your Plans For Your Death Bed?

Do you know what you are going to say on your deathbed? Everyone wants to know what you are going to say.  People say things like, “on your deathbed are you going…

Do you know what you are going to say on your deathbed? Everyone wants to know what you are going to say.  People say things like, “on your deathbed are you going to wish you spent more time at work than with your family?” Well, are you? Are you going to say that? When you […]

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How to Fight For Personal Liberty

“Marc@FreeMarketsFan” asked me this question during my Twitter Q&A last Thursday:  What is one thing a regular individual can do every day to keep fighting for our personal liberty? ANSWER: Slaves fight.…

“Marc@FreeMarketsFan” asked me this question during my Twitter Q&A last Thursday:  What is one thing a regular individual can do every day to keep fighting for our personal liberty? ANSWER: Slaves fight. Enemies fight. People who hate, fight. When you have personal liberty there is no “other”. Nobody to fight. There is no “Us” versus […]

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Go On a News Diet, Starting Today

Claudia and I were in bed reading Cosmopolitan (me) and The Economist (she) at 2 in the afternoon. I pointed out a fascinating article in Cosmopolitan: “Why the Vagina Might Feel Weird…

Claudia and I were in bed reading Cosmopolitan (me) and The Economist (she) at 2 in the afternoon. I pointed out a fascinating article in Cosmopolitan: “Why the Vagina Might Feel Weird After Sex.” Claudia, in turn, pointed out an article in The Economist: “Power Struggle in the Vatican”. There were bright lights turned on […]

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My Resume

My Resume I’m scared to death of having a job. But you never know what opportunities could come my way. There’s a lot of money out there willing to pay anyone. So…

My Resume I’m scared to death of having a job. But you never know what opportunities could come my way. There’s a lot of money out there willing to pay anyone. So I figured I’d dust off my resume, finally accept every LinkedIn request and just put it out there. You know, to see what […]

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