Blog Category: Impression Technique

What Happened to All the Laughter?

Dan Harris, the anchor of the ABC show Nightline, had a total panic attack on TV in 2005 in front of 5 milion people. He simply shut down and couldn’t continue while…

Dan Harris, the anchor of the ABC show Nightline, had a total panic attack on TV in 2005 in front of 5 milion people. He simply shut down and couldn’t continue while live on the air. Everybody saw it and he thought his career would be over. He wrote a book about it, called “10% […]

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I honestly don’t know how to start this story. There’s many ways I can start it. One time a friend of mine told me she had taken every drug out there. I…

I honestly don’t know how to start this story. There’s many ways I can start it. One time a friend of mine told me she had taken every drug out there. I asked her what was the best. She said, “By far heroin is the best. But it made me sick and was too addictive. […]

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The One Thing I Remind Myself of All Day

  The fantastic artist and doodler, Molly Hahn, sent me a picture as a gift. A picture that has not left my pocket since she sent it. It’s amazing the effect a…

  The fantastic artist and doodler, Molly Hahn, sent me a picture as a gift. A picture that has not left my pocket since she sent it. It’s amazing the effect a physical drawing has instead of the onslaught of images we get every day on our computer. The computer screen is a prison wall […]

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Love Is….

“How do I stop loving a girl who doesn’t love me,” someone asked me. I didn’t answer him correctly. I gave some bullshit answer. The correct answer is: there’s nothing you can…

“How do I stop loving a girl who doesn’t love me,” someone asked me. I didn’t answer him correctly. I gave some bullshit answer. The correct answer is: there’s nothing you can do. You’re in pain. You’re wounded. Time heals all wounds. For me, I fall in love very quickly so my only solution is […]

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The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Dealing With Excuses

I didn’t have any money so couldn’t start a business. And even if I started one, I didn’t have an office, or clients, and I was too shy to cold-call clients. I…

I didn’t have any money so couldn’t start a business. And even if I started one, I didn’t have an office, or clients, and I was too shy to cold-call clients. I didn’t have connections or rich parents or anything for that matter. I didn’t have talent. I just got lucky. Nobody will hire me. […]

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The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Dealing With Haters

It’s easy to get anonymous people to hate you – to attract haters. All you have to do is have an opinion. Be creative. Be yourself. But sometimes it gets worse. I’ve…

It’s easy to get anonymous people to hate you – to attract haters. All you have to do is have an opinion. Be creative. Be yourself. But sometimes it gets worse. I’ve had death threats, legal threats, I’ve lost friends, even family, over things I’ve written. I’ve lost the respect of many I still respect. […]

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The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Mastery

Are you satisfied with your life? Do you go to work knowing you could do better? Knowing there are unique talents in you that could make you great, the best in the…

Are you satisfied with your life? Do you go to work knowing you could do better? Knowing there are unique talents in you that could make you great, the best in the world? This post is about achieving mastery. But also why it’s ok to not get mastery in the traditional sense. You can define […]

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