Blog Category: Impression Technique

The Best Comedian of All Time…

I used to watch comedy. And I had a totally different list. Now I’ve been doing standup for almost three years. Now I see so many more of the subtleties. But still…

I used to watch comedy. And I had a totally different list. Now I’ve been doing standup for almost three years. Now I see so many more of the subtleties. But still my list changes every day. Today this is my list: A) Dave Chappelle. Watch how he tells a story. He uses his voice, […]

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The Most Motivating One-Liner Ever…

The choices you make today determine your autobiography tomorrow. So I gave up. I threw out all of my belongings. I didn’t sign any new leases. I didn’t officially live anywhere. I…

The choices you make today determine your autobiography tomorrow. So I gave up. I threw out all of my belongings. I didn’t sign any new leases. I didn’t officially live anywhere. I started moving around in Airbnbs. I had to clean ship. Clean out. Clean up. People would smile around me and I couldn’t understand […]

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How I Deal With My Anxiety…

I am an anxious person. Anxiety leads to bad decisions leads to bad futures. In 60 seconds I try to describe how I deal with my anxiety. Watch the video here.  …

I am an anxious person. Anxiety leads to bad decisions leads to bad futures. In 60 seconds I try to describe how I deal with my anxiety. Watch the video here.   A post shared by James Altucher (@altucher) on May 4, 2018 at 6:24am PDT In the morning, I tell my daughters, “Give.” And […]

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12 People Who Found Success Later In Life

This is what happens at 50: Nothing. Nothing changes. And I’m still ambitious. And I still worry about tomorrow. And I still want to learn to be more peaceful. I still want…

This is what happens at 50: Nothing. Nothing changes. And I’m still ambitious. And I still worry about tomorrow. And I still want to learn to be more peaceful. I still want to choose myself. For health. For success. For good people in my life. You have more experiences to create art, write a book, […]

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How To Beat A Traffic Ticket In 5 Easy Steps

The police were running after me and yelling “STOP!” I was sure I was going to jail. I was driving the wrong way down a one way street. I was afraid to…

The police were running after me and yelling “STOP!” I was sure I was going to jail. I was driving the wrong way down a one way street. I was afraid to stop because I had a suspended driver’s license and I had no registration in the car. But I was afraid to get shot […]

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The Best "Place" I've Ever Been…

Almost three years ago I threw out all of my belongings, stopped renting an apartment and lived only in AirBnBs. I moved every few days. I lived out of a carry on…

Almost three years ago I threw out all of my belongings, stopped renting an apartment and lived only in AirBnBs. I moved every few days. I lived out of a carry on bag. I had fewer than 15 belongings, and if I ever bought anything new, I would throw out or give away one of […]

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5 Books To Help Improve Your Life

I hate to include my own book. So don’t get that one. But let me tell you about the other four. “Worry” by Edward Hallowell. Everyone worries. 20 million people in the…

I hate to include my own book. So don’t get that one. But let me tell you about the other four. “Worry” by Edward Hallowell. Everyone worries. 20 million people in the US suffer from some sort of untreated clinical anxiety disorder. Worry is ok. It helps me make deadlines, care about people, care about […]

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