Blog Category: Impression Technique

7 Lessons I Learned in My 20's…

1. DIGNITY > RESPECT When I was in my 20s often people didn’t respect me or give a shit about anything I said or did. And now that I’m 50, often people…

1. DIGNITY > RESPECT When I was in my 20s often people didn’t respect me or give a shit about anything I said or did. And now that I’m 50, often people treat me with even less respect if I say something that doesn’t fit their world view. But it doesn’t matter whether someone hates […]

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The Secret of Success (it's not what you think)

I could’ve made a million dollars at my very first job. A MILLION DOLLARS! A few months earlier I had been kicked out of graduate school. I had failed all of my…

I could’ve made a million dollars at my very first job. A MILLION DOLLARS! A few months earlier I had been kicked out of graduate school. I had failed all of my classes for four semesters in a row. So they sent me a note: “Please leave. Come back when you are more mature.” At […]

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My "5 Year Plan"…

In the beginning of 2017, 1.5 years ago, I had great goals for myself. I was going to achieve those goals, be very happy, and be a huge success. ZERO of the…

In the beginning of 2017, 1.5 years ago, I had great goals for myself. I was going to achieve those goals, be very happy, and be a huge success. ZERO of the goals happened. I failed at all of the goals. Today, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I wanted to write a novel when […]

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Do You Have To Be Dishonest To Succeed?

I bought two Lululemon shirts and a Lululemon jacket. I wear them everywhere and never really wash. It makes me feel like I’m working out. Like I leave my apartment in the…

I bought two Lululemon shirts and a Lululemon jacket. I wear them everywhere and never really wash. It makes me feel like I’m working out. Like I leave my apartment in the morning, dressed in Lululemon, and I feel like I’m supposed to immediately start jogging. Sometimes, I even feel like I already jogged. I […]

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9 Things I Can’t Look Away From…

1) If I see two people having sex in an apartment across the street, I can’t look away. I want to see from beginning to end. It would be appropriate and ethical…

1) If I see two people having sex in an apartment across the street, I can’t look away. I want to see from beginning to end. It would be appropriate and ethical to look away. It’s none of my business what they do in their private lives. I’m not even turned on by it. I […]

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What Habits Lose Focus

When I was suicidal, I was doing all of the below bad habits. When I was going broke, I was doing all of the below bad habits. I’ve gone from rich to…

When I was suicidal, I was doing all of the below bad habits. When I was going broke, I was doing all of the below bad habits. I’ve gone from rich to dead broke so many times I’m like a one-man scientific experiment in what works and what doesn’t. Or I’m just an idiot. Either […]

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It's Time To Talk About My Hair…

I used to cry because of my hair. When I was in high school, all the girls I liked only wanted to date the guys who were into sports and had straight…

I used to cry because of my hair. When I was in high school, all the girls I liked only wanted to date the guys who were into sports and had straight blonde hair. If you were a guy on the football team with blonde hair and blue eyes you could date anyone in my […]

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