Blog Category: Impression Technique

9 Life-Saving Reasons I Try Not To Judge People

One time someone wrote a lie about me. I hated this person. I judged them. Why did they lie about me? Why did they wrong me? I judged them as evil. This person…

One time someone wrote a lie about me. I hated this person. I judged them. Why did they lie about me? Why did they wrong me? I judged them as evil. This person pulled apart two or three of my articles out of hundreds, and pulled sentences out of context and then said the worst things […]

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The Purpose of Reading…

Reading is the worst “invention” ever. Reading is like a mental death squad. On average I’ve read about 10 hours a week since I was five years old. Some weeks more, some…

Reading is the worst “invention” ever. Reading is like a mental death squad. On average I’ve read about 10 hours a week since I was five years old. Some weeks more, some weeks less. That’s 23,400 hours of reading. That’s about 11 work years (the average person works 2000 hours a year). I could’ve done […]

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Do Self-help Books Really Work? My answer…

No. I was at a dinner party last month. Someone said I had written a self-help book. The host of the dinner, a psychiatrist, asked, “Oh? Are you a psychologist?” I said,…

No. I was at a dinner party last month. Someone said I had written a self-help book. The host of the dinner, a psychiatrist, asked, “Oh? Are you a psychologist?” I said, “No.” He immediately disliked me. I felt it. Whatever. I didn’t care. But I don’t write self-help books. Most of my books are […]

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I Learned A Big Lesson…

Ugh, I’m so embarrassed it’s disgusting. I’m an awful human being. I moved out of an apartment and I asked for my security deposit back. I had hired someone to clean the…

Ugh, I’m so embarrassed it’s disgusting. I’m an awful human being. I moved out of an apartment and I asked for my security deposit back. I had hired someone to clean the apartment and leave it spotless. But after I asked for my deposit back the landlord’s agent sent me some photos of the way […]

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A Letter I Would Send To My Teenage Self

When you called Steve G. and said, “Do you think I’m so ugly that no girl will ever like me?” and he said, “Maybe in college or later someone will like you”,…

When you called Steve G. and said, “Do you think I’m so ugly that no girl will ever like me?” and he said, “Maybe in college or later someone will like you”, remember to not listen to him. In fact, probably better not to ask that question but I know that is a big ask. […]

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Strive For Progress And Not Perfection

I almost ruined my career right at the beginning. In 1992, HBO offered me a job. I wish I had taken it. They wanted me to work on this new field, “virtual…

I almost ruined my career right at the beginning. In 1992, HBO offered me a job. I wish I had taken it. They wanted me to work on this new field, “virtual reality”. I never responded to them. I felt inadequate. How come? I didn’t want to take a job in the “real world” until […]

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How To Make Your Brain Sharper

I wanted to make my brain better so I took drugs. I took Klonopin, Amatryptiline, Adderal, Percocet. Alcohol. Often at the same time I took Adderall to be smarter. The Klonopin to…

I wanted to make my brain better so I took drugs. I took Klonopin, Amatryptiline, Adderal, Percocet. Alcohol. Often at the same time I took Adderall to be smarter. The Klonopin to handle the anxiety that comes with Adderall. The Amatryptiline to sleep because I can’t sleep on Adderall. The Percocet to feel happy when […]

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