Blog Category: Impression Technique

How To Succeed In Life

I had millions of dollars from selling a business and then I lost it all. I lost my home. I had the IRS all over me. Then I lost my family. Then…

I had millions of dollars from selling a business and then I lost it all. I lost my home. I had the IRS all over me. Then I lost my family. Then all my relationships fell apart. My friends and family from the year 2000 no longer talk to me. I take that back. One […]

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I dropped out of college. I bought a car with the money instead. Then I got terrified and jealous. I made a mistake. I saw everyone walking around campus. Was I going…

I dropped out of college. I bought a car with the money instead. Then I got terrified and jealous. I made a mistake. I saw everyone walking around campus. Was I going to be a loser? I returned the car, cancelled the check, and re-enrolled in college. This is how much of a loser I […]

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Is it just a coincidence that the exact number of hours it takes to catch up on Game of Thrones is also the number of hours it takes to get a pilot’s…

Is it just a coincidence that the exact number of hours it takes to catch up on Game of Thrones is also the number of hours it takes to get a pilot’s license? Smart people are wondering about climate change, tariffs, the Middle East, inventing non-lethal weapons, etc. I woke up this morning at 4am […]

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The BEST Thing About Self-Publishing

I was sick of it. Every book publisher (Wiley, Penguin, HarperCollins, Hay House, etc.) said the same thing: “We’re great at marketing. We’ll take care of it for you.” Then when it…

I was sick of it. Every book publisher (Wiley, Penguin, HarperCollins, Hay House, etc.) said the same thing: “We’re great at marketing. We’ll take care of it for you.” Then when it came time to publish the book, they all said something like, “So I guess you should start tweeting it out. We don’t do […]

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I Feel Like I Have Superpowers When I Follow These 10 Commandments

1) HONESTY. When you lie, you split in two. One part of you is the lie, the other part is the truth. It’s hard enough for me to live one life, let…

1) HONESTY. When you lie, you split in two. One part of you is the lie, the other part is the truth. It’s hard enough for me to live one life, let alone two. Honesty is the key to being the hero of your story.   2) HEALTH. Eat. Move. Sleep. If you are sick in […]

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I was blown away by this story. A comedian was talking about her birthday. She and Dave Chappelle and two other comedians were performing two sets that night, finishing around midnight. This…

I was blown away by this story. A comedian was talking about her birthday. She and Dave Chappelle and two other comedians were performing two sets that night, finishing around midnight. This was just in the past year. Chappelle has been doing standup comedy for 30 years. His sets are effortless. He’s already the best. […]

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Who Would ACTUALLY Make The Best US President

I WOULD. I KNOW THIS SOUNDS LIKE BS BUT HERE’S WHY I WOULD BE BEST: One time I wanted to run for Congress in my district. I had a platform. I reached…

I WOULD. I KNOW THIS SOUNDS LIKE BS BUT HERE’S WHY I WOULD BE BEST: One time I wanted to run for Congress in my district. I had a platform. I reached out to people. I started to put my team together.   I got a call from someone representing a major Presidential candidate. He […]

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