Blog Category: Economy

What the FAQ? 4 Critical Questions That Need Answers TODAY

[Editor’s Note: Check out the full article in today’s issue of The Altucher Report! If you’re not already a subscriber, click here for more information.] I hate being scared. I hate being…

[Editor’s Note: Check out the full article in today’s issue of The Altucher Report! If you’re not already a subscriber, click here for more information.] I hate being scared. I hate being anxious. This is 2001 and 2008 rolled together, times 10. Both those years I fell apart. Emotionally, financially, family, health, everything. I wanted […]

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Raz Ski Masks Are Upsetting Me

I have to admit I’m a little nervous. Not so much about the stock market or economy. But about ski-masks and dead kids. The economy is not “up” or “down.” It’s “tilted.”…

I have to admit I’m a little nervous. Not so much about the stock market or economy. But about ski-masks and dead kids. The economy is not “up” or “down.” It’s “tilted.” It’s a 3D economy for the first time and not the 1D economy it has been for 100 years. What does that mean? […]

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The Great Reset Pt. 3: How Does One Tell a Story?

After I sold my first company, I went dead-broke within two years. I remember looking at my bank account by accident at an ATM machine: $143. I was going to lose my…

After I sold my first company, I went dead-broke within two years. I remember looking at my bank account by accident at an ATM machine: $143. I was going to lose my house for sure. I had no way to save it. And I assumed people would hate me since I hated myself. I had […]

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The Great Reset Part 2: The Spoke-and-Wheel Model

Editor’s note: This article began as 19 pages. So instead of sending it to you all at once, I broke it up into a series. Check out Part 1: Should We Care…

Editor’s note: This article began as 19 pages. So instead of sending it to you all at once, I broke it up into a series. Check out Part 1: Should We Care About the Economy? And stay tuned for more on this topic tomorrow. In each newsletter I will offer some ideas and step-by-step suggestions […]

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The Great Reset Part 1: Should We Care About the Economy?

Editor’s note: This article began as 19 pages. So instead of sending it to you all at once, I’ll be breaking it up into a series over the next few days. Stay…

Editor’s note: This article began as 19 pages. So instead of sending it to you all at once, I’ll be breaking it up into a series over the next few days. Stay tuned for a LOT more on this topic. There’s not going to be a “new normal.” What was so great about “normal” anyway? […]

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Is College Still Worth It? (Wherein Hasan Minaj Calls Me Out)

Hasan Minaj called me an a**hole on “Patriot Act” last night. Here’s the video. Start around 4:00 to see ME. But the entire show is worth watching. I’m a big fan of…

Hasan Minaj called me an a**hole on “Patriot Act” last night. Here’s the video. Start around 4:00 to see ME. But the entire show is worth watching. I’m a big fan of the show and I like the simple format. This episode was about whether college is worth it. I think by the end of […]

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