Blog Category:

Could Pandemic Peak in 2–3 Weeks?

For the past month on my podcast and on my Instagram Lives and on Twitter, I’ve been begging people to be rational.  I said:  “This virus has a lifespan of about three…

For the past month on my podcast and on my Instagram Lives and on Twitter, I’ve been begging people to be rational.  I said:  “This virus has a lifespan of about three months. Which would imply a peak in the U.S. of around April 15, give or take (and might be different per city).” “Less […]

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What I Would Do Right Now to Save the World

The market was up huge yesterday. I don’t like it.  I want the market to go up. I’m absolutely sure that there is greater than a 95% chance that the markets will…

The market was up huge yesterday. I don’t like it.  I want the market to go up. I’m absolutely sure that there is greater than a 95% chance that the markets will be SIGNIFICANTLY higher in the near future.  In other words, on the one hand, the market is a strong buy.  But as I […]

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Six Rules for Investing in a Crisis Market

The rules Rule #1: Never try to call the bottom It’s OK if you buy something and then it goes down more. Just don’t use what’s called “leverage” (i.e., borrow. In this…

The rules Rule #1: Never try to call the bottom It’s OK if you buy something and then it goes down more. Just don’t use what’s called “leverage” (i.e., borrow. In this case, you can go broke). Rule #2: While some say, “Buy when there is blood in the streets,” I don’t like to do […]

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Life Advice from People Over 100

They survived the Great Depression, WWII, Vietnam, 9/11, the financial crisis, social media(!), and six pandemics. And probably a divorce or two. I always want to be the dumbest person in the…

They survived the Great Depression, WWII, Vietnam, 9/11, the financial crisis, social media(!), and six pandemics. And probably a divorce or two. I always want to be the dumbest person in the room. Now we’re all in virtual rooms so it’s trickier. But the people in the attached graphic have been there, done that, and […]

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Finally, We Have a Good Market Day

Finally!  A reasonable day in the markets. This is the first good sign I’ve seen in the financial markets since this crisis began.  But, one might ask, what about those days that…

Finally!  A reasonable day in the markets. This is the first good sign I’ve seen in the financial markets since this crisis began.  But, one might ask, what about those days that went up 10%?! Those were GREAT days, right?  NO! Volatility is volatility. Volatility is the enemy of your bank account. Most people are […]

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Some Good News on the Coronavirus

We can’t focus every day on reading the news and saying, “OH MY GOD, THE WORLD IS GOING TO DIE!”  That is not useful and it’s not even true.  Media companies make…

We can’t focus every day on reading the news and saying, “OH MY GOD, THE WORLD IS GOING TO DIE!”  That is not useful and it’s not even true.  Media companies make money scaring you. Politicians stay in office (or get into office) by assuming the worst case and hoping for the best so they […]

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Is There Opportunity in Uncertainty? Yes, There Is

I’ve been afraid like this on three different occasions (and I’m sure this is true for many people): 9/11, the financial crisis, and now this coronavirus crisis.  These things happened in each…

I’ve been afraid like this on three different occasions (and I’m sure this is true for many people): 9/11, the financial crisis, and now this coronavirus crisis.  These things happened in each crisis:  People thought it was “the end of the world” as we knew it. A “new normal.” The “world is forever changed,” etc.  […]

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