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Podcast Corner: Andrew Yang, Tucker Max and More!

Andrew Yang Saves the World I was really nervous for this one and giddy afterward. I’ve had a thousand questions for Andrew Yang, an American entrepreneur and former presidential candidate, and he…

Andrew Yang Saves the World I was really nervous for this one and giddy afterward. I’ve had a thousand questions for Andrew Yang, an American entrepreneur and former presidential candidate, and he answered all of them. We talk universal basic income, behind-the-scenes details of the campaign, law enforcement, career advice, and the most frustrating parts […]

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Everything I Needed to Know to Bet Big on This Election! (Part 2)

[Editor’s note: Check out Part 1 of this article here.] Politics is a game of imperfect information.  Who will win? Donald Trump or Joe Biden?  The polls say Biden. But what are…

[Editor’s note: Check out Part 1 of this article here.] Politics is a game of imperfect information.  Who will win? Donald Trump or Joe Biden?  The polls say Biden. But what are the odds they are wrong? What are the odds a debate could help or hurt Biden? What are the odds the debates are […]

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Everything I Needed to Know to Bet Big on This Election! (Part 1)

[Editor’s note: Stay tuned tomorrow for Part 2 of this article.] Roulette is not luck. Roulette, believe it or not, is a skill game.  But isn’t gambling luck? Absolutely not. Putting money…

[Editor’s note: Stay tuned tomorrow for Part 2 of this article.] Roulette is not luck. Roulette, believe it or not, is a skill game.  But isn’t gambling luck? Absolutely not. Putting money on “red” at the roulette table is poor skill at gambling, not luck.  If you put $1 on red and the ball lands […]

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What the FAQ? 4 Critical Questions That Need Answers TODAY

[Editor’s Note: Check out the full article in today’s issue of The Altucher Report! If you’re not already a subscriber, click here for more information.] I hate being scared. I hate being…

[Editor’s Note: Check out the full article in today’s issue of The Altucher Report! If you’re not already a subscriber, click here for more information.] I hate being scared. I hate being anxious. This is 2001 and 2008 rolled together, times 10. Both those years I fell apart. Emotionally, financially, family, health, everything. I wanted […]

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Raz Ski Masks Are Upsetting Me

I have to admit I’m a little nervous. Not so much about the stock market or economy. But about ski-masks and dead kids. The economy is not “up” or “down.” It’s “tilted.”…

I have to admit I’m a little nervous. Not so much about the stock market or economy. But about ski-masks and dead kids. The economy is not “up” or “down.” It’s “tilted.” It’s a 3D economy for the first time and not the 1D economy it has been for 100 years. What does that mean? […]

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The Great Reset Pt. 3: How Does One Tell a Story?

After I sold my first company, I went dead-broke within two years. I remember looking at my bank account by accident at an ATM machine: $143. I was going to lose my…

After I sold my first company, I went dead-broke within two years. I remember looking at my bank account by accident at an ATM machine: $143. I was going to lose my house for sure. I had no way to save it. And I assumed people would hate me since I hated myself. I had […]

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