Blog Category:

How 40 Years Of Star Wars Has Saved My Life

Today is Star Wars 40th Birthday. 40 years since my life changed because of it. I saw it over 30 times that first year. I cried when the next movie, Empire Strikes…

Today is Star Wars 40th Birthday. 40 years since my life changed because of it. I saw it over 30 times that first year. I cried when the next movie, Empire Strikes Back, came out because it was a cliffhanger and I hated that I had to wait three years. When “Return of the Jedi” […]

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I Want To Get Better So This Is What I Did

I woke up three in the morning thinking about all of my sexual problems. I started laughing. I thought it was funny. I then had an argument with myself. Side one: “I…

I woke up three in the morning thinking about all of my sexual problems. I started laughing. I thought it was funny. I then had an argument with myself. Side one: “I should write it down RIGHT NOW”. Side two: “UGH! I’m too tired. I’ll remember it all in the morning and write it down […]

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A List Of 30 Day Challenges You Can Start Today

When I’m stuck and disgusted with my life…or bored and afraid of the future…or unhappy with all my choices…. this is what I do. I have to do it. I don’t want…

When I’m stuck and disgusted with my life…or bored and afraid of the future…or unhappy with all my choices…. this is what I do. I have to do it. I don’t want to be in a rut. We only get one of these brains and it run out in about 80 years, give or take. […]

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When The Going Gets Weird, The Weird Gets Going

The worst you can do is try to compete with the other seven billion people on this planet. Most of them are better than me at just about everything. There is nothing…

The worst you can do is try to compete with the other seven billion people on this planet. Most of them are better than me at just about everything. There is nothing in this world I can say, “See! I’m the best!” We live in a standardized world filled with people who are trained to […]

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Everything I Learned About Success I Learned From These Ten Sitcoms

Sitcoms have saved my life. They turn my world from gray to color. They are static electricity that shock and waken the boring parts of my brain. And the lessons from them…

Sitcoms have saved my life. They turn my world from gray to color. They are static electricity that shock and waken the boring parts of my brain. And the lessons from them have helped me achieve every success I’ve ever had. Many people are snobbish and down on TV. Even worse, they get down on […]

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Six Ideas From Islam I Use To Find Success

Religion is despicable. And then murders happen. I don’t believe any “science fiction” from 2000 years ago. Astrology is science fiction. A burning bush is science fiction. Prophecies from an invisible voice…

Religion is despicable. And then murders happen. I don’t believe any “science fiction” from 2000 years ago. Astrology is science fiction. A burning bush is science fiction. Prophecies from an invisible voice is science fiction. I don’t believe in any set of rules made thousands of years ago that dictate clothes to wear or punishments […]

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I couldn’t compete with Bernie Madoff. And, because of that, I owe him a huge “thank you”. I was raising money for my fund. My neighbor said, “My boss will give you…

I couldn’t compete with Bernie Madoff. And, because of that, I owe him a huge “thank you”. I was raising money for my fund. My neighbor said, “My boss will give you money. Come into work with me.” So we went into his work. His boss was super nice. I wanted him to be my […]

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