Blog Category:

The Nine Surefire Ways To Fail At Anything

My resume: I begged the teacher to not give me an F so, out of kindness, he gave me a D-. Only then did I have the minimum GPA to graduate college.…

My resume: I begged the teacher to not give me an F so, out of kindness, he gave me a D-. Only then did I have the minimum GPA to graduate college. I tried to write several novels but none of them were published. I pitched several TV shows but none of them made it […]

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DOING IT: How I Made My Daughter A Movie Star In Just One Week

The IRS had stapled signs all over my house. My wife at the time and I were getting divorced. I was losing access to my kids. And I was sick and sad.…

The IRS had stapled signs all over my house. My wife at the time and I were getting divorced. I was losing access to my kids. And I was sick and sad. I had no job. No opportunity. Again! I was DOING nothing. It felt like a rat slowly nibbling on the rope that holds […]

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The ABC'S of Bitcoin and Everything You Need To Know About "Forks"

99% of Cryptocurrencies are total scams. And, yes, Cryptocurrencies are in a bubble. BUT…the opportunity is NEVER going away and generational wealth will be made. So you have to know the basics,…

99% of Cryptocurrencies are total scams. And, yes, Cryptocurrencies are in a bubble. BUT…the opportunity is NEVER going away and generational wealth will be made. So you have to know the basics, why this opportunity even exists and what to watch out for. Here’s the problem. There’s around 900 different cryptocurrencies that exist, with new […]

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20 Books Every Teenager Should Read

I hate being nervous. But I am. I’m speaking in front of 1000 teenagers today for “Internapalooza”. This is how I like to spend my Sundays. I was a lazy, disrespectful teenager.…

I hate being nervous. But I am. I’m speaking in front of 1000 teenagers today for “Internapalooza”. This is how I like to spend my Sundays. I was a lazy, disrespectful teenager. I’m impressed with any kid who shows up to hear me talk on a Sunday afternoon. My life was a mess in my […]

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The Discomfort Zone

Subway Stand Up My comfort zone was killing me. Doesn’t matter what age you are: 20 or 50 or 80: you improve and enjoy life when you dive into the deep end…

Subway Stand Up My comfort zone was killing me. Doesn’t matter what age you are: 20 or 50 or 80: you improve and enjoy life when you dive into the deep end of the pool, swim for your life, and survive. YOU LIVE! Even for just one day. I’ve been trying to learn standup comedy. […]

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How I've Lived Off My Ideas (sort of) For 20 Years

[The picture is of me, this past Monday, going over my list of joke ideas right before going on stage to do some standup comedy at StandupNY on 78th and Broadway. 10…

[The picture is of me, this past Monday, going over my list of joke ideas right before going on stage to do some standup comedy at StandupNY on 78th and Broadway. 10 ideas a day works for anything.] Since 1997, I have 100% lived off of my ideas. Some years I was rich. Some years […]

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And Then I Made My First Million (Only To Lose It Later)

There’s a lot of disgustingly bad books and articles about habits for millionaires. AWFUL. I won’t say the titles. I have a lot of respect for the authors even though they have…

There’s a lot of disgustingly bad books and articles about habits for millionaires. AWFUL. I won’t say the titles. I have a lot of respect for the authors even though they have written useless books. It’s hard to write a book. It takes a year out of your life while you do something totally unnatural […]

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