Blog Category:

Friends, Money and Freedom Through Writing.

When I first wrote a novel in 1991, I remember walking down the road and seeing a pretty girl and thinking, “She might like me now.” I know that a lot of…

When I first wrote a novel in 1991, I remember walking down the road and seeing a pretty girl and thinking, “She might like me now.” I know that a lot of what I write seems to involve whether or not women like me. But that’s what I think about. I want people to like […]

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Buying the Story Behind the Story

Things are simpler than they appear. I’ll give you an example: Let’s say you want to beat your family at Scrabble. You have two choices. You can read every book you can…

Things are simpler than they appear. I’ll give you an example: Let’s say you want to beat your family at Scrabble. You have two choices. You can read every book you can find, build an enormous vocabulary and look up the definitions of words you don’t know to defeat all opponents. Or, You can remember […]

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The 1min 37sec Guide To Beating Fear (And Making Money Like I Do)

Here’s why my Top 1% Advisory Research Service works even after the market crashed: How has a guy like me with no MBA… No formal investing education… And no real power managed…

Here’s why my Top 1% Advisory Research Service works even after the market crashed: How has a guy like me with no MBA… No formal investing education… And no real power managed to make millions of dollars on opportunities most Wall Street bankers often completely miss? Well… You should know that for almost every major […]

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How To Create "Tiny Advantages" And Crush Your Opponents

First, let me tell you how you win a game of chess (you’ll see why)… Rule #1: Make sure all of your pieces are protected. There are exceptions to this rule but…

First, let me tell you how you win a game of chess (you’ll see why)… Rule #1: Make sure all of your pieces are protected. There are exceptions to this rule but in general just make sure you aren’t leaving anything hanging, that is, in such a way that the opponent can take it without […]

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Why I'm Not Scared Of Wall St Anymore…

I worked on and around Wall Street for many years… I have to say, it’s not pleasant. Nobody I know actually LOVES working on Wall Street. Here’s why: So many companies are…

I worked on and around Wall Street for many years… I have to say, it’s not pleasant. Nobody I know actually LOVES working on Wall Street. Here’s why: So many companies are scams and just trying to stay ever so slightly above the gray area so they are never caught. So many hedge funds get […]

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When the Price Is Right You Buy (And You Win)…

I wanted to learn how to breakdance, so when I was 14 I paid a kid $15 to teach me how. I paid him out of my hard-earned newspaper route money. I…

I wanted to learn how to breakdance, so when I was 14 I paid a kid $15 to teach me how. I paid him out of my hard-earned newspaper route money. I saw him in the street, spinning on a piece of linoleum. He had three friends with him, all of them were good at […]

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What Is Your Philosophy Of Life? What Is Sacred To You? Here Is Mine:

“One day I was in solitary confinement and then just a few years later I was having dinner with the President.” I listened. Tommy told me his story. Being set up. Going…

“One day I was in solitary confinement and then just a few years later I was having dinner with the President.” I listened. Tommy told me his story. Being set up. Going to jail. Not “ratting out” another person in exchange for an easy prison stay. Then being head of security for the Vice President […]

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