Blog Category:

The One Thing That Increases My Happiness

I was so ashamed of everything in my life that I moved myself about 100 miles away from everyone I knew. I cut off all ties with people. I stopped talking to…

I was so ashamed of everything in my life that I moved myself about 100 miles away from everyone I knew. I cut off all ties with people. I stopped talking to everyone. I didn’t have a job. My kids didn’t know anyone. I had nothing to do. And it was snowing all the time, […]

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Who Are Your Gatekeepers?

Dear Josie and Mollie (my daughters), Everyone hates you. I mean, I don’t hate you. Most of the time. But teachers hate you. Your future boss hates you (he bribes you to…

Dear Josie and Mollie (my daughters), Everyone hates you. I mean, I don’t hate you. Most of the time. But teachers hate you. Your future boss hates you (he bribes you to work extra hours and then makes a pass at you. Trust me on this one). Your colleagues hate you (if you are demoted, […]

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Financial Fridays: Why Your 401K Is A Scam!

I hate writing about finance. The most violent, ugly people in the world work in the traditional finance industry. I write something and instead of responding with a well-reasoned argument, they write…

I hate writing about finance. The most violent, ugly people in the world work in the traditional finance industry. I write something and instead of responding with a well-reasoned argument, they write things like “James Altucher is a wacko” or “James Altucher is a scumbag”. I’ve written for or appeared on the Wall St Journal, […]

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Don't Ask For Permission. Ask For Forgiveness.

I dropped out of college. I bought a car with the money instead. And then when I saw everyone walking around campus I got jealous, returned the car, cancelled the check, and…

I dropped out of college. I bought a car with the money instead. And then when I saw everyone walking around campus I got jealous, returned the car, cancelled the check, and re-enrolled in college. A day later, I met my first mentor (first of about 10 — and then 100s if I include the […]

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The Only Two Secrets You Need To Know

A few years before he wrote Freakonomics, Stephen Dubner wanted to follow me around. To shadow me so he can find out how depraved I was. “I’m writing a book about the…

A few years before he wrote Freakonomics, Stephen Dubner wanted to follow me around. To shadow me so he can find out how depraved I was. “I’m writing a book about the Psychology of Money. You’re going to be the first chapter.” He wanted to write about someone who made and lost millions and psychologically […]

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10 Ways Honesty Is Going To Make You More Money

I like how NBC thinks it’s got one over on us. You go, NBC! “We’re not going to have any business relationship with Donald Trump anymore! Particularly that trashy Miss Universe contest…

I like how NBC thinks it’s got one over on us. You go, NBC! “We’re not going to have any business relationship with Donald Trump anymore! Particularly that trashy Miss Universe contest he thinks he owns.” Good job, NBC! Yesterday: NBC invests $250 million in Buzzfeed. Today’s Buzzfeed headline: “The Disney princes are total hunks”. […]

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How To Be The Best At Any Game In The Universe

I can’t believe how I’ve gotten away with what I’ve gotten away with even though I’m so stupid. I was having a weird argument yesterday with my ex-wife. I was trying to…

I can’t believe how I’ve gotten away with what I’ve gotten away with even though I’m so stupid. I was having a weird argument yesterday with my ex-wife. I was trying to say, “I’m stupid” so she was disagreeing and accusing me of lying. So I kept insisting. “I got bad grades all through high […]

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