Blog Category:

How to Cure Loneliness

 I’ve done everything to avoid being lonely. I pretended to be a psychic on Craigslist. I’ve spent ten hours a day on dating sites. I asked out girls in elevators, girls in…

 I’ve done everything to avoid being lonely. I pretended to be a psychic on Craigslist. I’ve spent ten hours a day on dating sites. I asked out girls in elevators, girls in laundromats, girls at ATM machines, waitresses, more waitresses, thousands of waitresses. Only one said yes. And then she didn’t show up. I joined […]

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How to Screw Up Your Marriage On Purpose

  Many people want to end their marriages. I get it. Sometimes people marry for the wrong reasons and sometimes people marry the wrong people. Or even better, sometimes you marry the…

  Many people want to end their marriages. I get it. Sometimes people marry for the wrong reasons and sometimes people marry the wrong people. Or even better, sometimes you marry the right person but they married the wrong person. Or even worse, sometimes you married the right person but then you just want to […]

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How To Be The Best Public Speaker on the Planet

I was scared to death. I thought I was going to cry. Polls say people would rather be dead than speak in public. Seinfeld joked that a guy giving a eulogy would…

I was scared to death. I thought I was going to cry. Polls say people would rather be dead than speak in public. Seinfeld joked that a guy giving a eulogy would rather be in the coffin. I’ve given 100s of talks but last week I wanted to die before I went on stage. I […]

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  I woke up, pictured I had a gun to her head and blew her head off. A close relative. I was upset at something she had done to me. But then…

  I woke up, pictured I had a gun to her head and blew her head off. A close relative. I was upset at something she had done to me. But then I was ashamed at being angry. I don’t really know what she is going through. Shame! Or yesterday, I randomly was jealous of […]

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Lies We Tell Ourselves To Be Liked

  It is not easy for me to be honest. I grew up thinking I had to lie to people to get them to like me. I needed to somehow be someone…

  It is not easy for me to be honest. I grew up thinking I had to lie to people to get them to like me. I needed to somehow be someone I wasn’t in order to burn away invisible scars that I was sure everyone could see. I thought I had to, for instance, […]

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Three Stories About Hate

G wrote me last night: “Dear James, I find your posts disturbing and troubling, especially considering your influence and reach. You operate at close to genius level; you are one of life’s…

G wrote me last night: “Dear James, I find your posts disturbing and troubling, especially considering your influence and reach. You operate at close to genius level; you are one of life’s winners, a product of Cornell and CMU. But most,if not all, your fan’s are mediocre, and shouldn’t be deluded into thinking they can […]

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I give up. I can’t tell my kids not to go to college. I have tried all the usual statistics: A) student loan debt you’ll never be able to pay back. B…

I give up. I can’t tell my kids not to go to college. I have tried all the usual statistics: A) student loan debt you’ll never be able to pay back. B ) for the first time ever, greater than 50% of the unemployed have college degrees. So that whole myth of “you can’t get […]

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