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Ask James: How to Change Careers, How to Disappoint, Do I Follow My Own Advice, Is the Market Rigged, and More

WHAT MADE YOU THE PERSON YOU ARE TODAY? ALHolm ‏@holm__: can u pinpoint an event that changed you into the person you are today? ANSWER: Yes.  I was depressed because I had…

WHAT MADE YOU THE PERSON YOU ARE TODAY? ALHolm ‏@holm__: can u pinpoint an event that changed you into the person you are today? ANSWER: Yes.  I was depressed because I had just spent twenty years or more trying to make everyone happy. My friends, my family, my bosses, my investors, my colleagues, my employees, […]

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5 Things I Learn From Gandhi

First, two small stories: #1: A woman walks with her son many miles and days to come to Gandhi. She is very worried about her son’s health because he is eating too…

First, two small stories: #1: A woman walks with her son many miles and days to come to Gandhi. She is very worried about her son’s health because he is eating too much sugar. She comes to Gandhi and says, “please, sir, can you tell my son to stop eating sugar.” Gandhi looks at her […]

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The Curious Case of the Sexy Image

First there was this post about death. I used an image of a sexy woman on a beach when I posted the link on Facebook. Someone accused me of always using images…

First there was this post about death. I used an image of a sexy woman on a beach when I posted the link on Facebook. Someone accused me of always using images of half-naked women to promote a post. He was correct. but I also pointed out the obvious  in this post [“What Do You […]

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Ask James: Youth, How To Get Smarter, Lady Gaga, Paul Krugman, and Who Would I Take a Bullet For

HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH THE STRESS OF GETTING OLDER? Kevin Koskella ‏@kevinkoskella: James, how do you deal with the stress of getting older and the feeling that the years are flying…

HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH THE STRESS OF GETTING OLDER? Kevin Koskella ‏@kevinkoskella: James, how do you deal with the stress of getting older and the feeling that the years are flying by? ANSWER: Aging, decay, death, is a horrible part of life. And it happens to every atom, cell, molecule, animal, human. But it’s […]

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The Trillion Dollar Lies

I feel bad. I feel like a sucker. Like one by one I fell for every lie. I talk about “don’t do this”, “don’t do that”, and yet I fell for all…

I feel bad. I feel like a sucker. Like one by one I fell for every lie. I talk about “don’t do this”, “don’t do that”, and yet I fell for all of them. I’ve been in everything from a cult to the cult of homeownership, the cult of college, the cult of sex, the […]

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10 Unusual Ways to Release Oxytocin Into Your Life

I disgust myself. When I was six I used to make fun of one kid for being heavier than me. When I was seven I made fun of a kid for being…

I disgust myself. When I was six I used to make fun of one kid for being heavier than me. When I was seven I made fun of a kid for being Chinese. He was the only Chinese kid in the neighborhood. I was a seven year old racist. He was so upset the principal […]

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The Two Steps to Make Good Ideas Happen

I’m not Christian, but I think its great to take Jesus as an example here. He had some good ideas. Turn the other cheek. Don’t judge people. “So don’t worry about tomorrow,…

I’m not Christian, but I think its great to take Jesus as an example here. He had some good ideas. Turn the other cheek. Don’t judge people. “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” I like it. There’s nothing wrong with an idea like that. […]

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