Blog Category:

Ask James: Moving up the Career Ladder, Marijuana, Ambition, The Presidency, Cramer, and More

SHOULD YOU BE YOURSELF? Tania Hew ‏@taniahew: Interested in your take on advice to be yourself when seeking leadership roles/new jobs. Answer: Everyone puts on a mask when they wake up in…

SHOULD YOU BE YOURSELF? Tania Hew ‏@taniahew: Interested in your take on advice to be yourself when seeking leadership roles/new jobs. Answer: Everyone puts on a mask when they wake up in the morning. They have different masks for different occasions. I have my father mask, my partner mask, my lover mask, my friend mask. […]

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Ask James: Failure, Success, Facebook, and How to Survive Your Darkest Moments

  [This week’s Q&A was so big I am dividing it into two parts. Today is part 1. To participate in the next Q&A please join me on Twitter on Thursday from…

  [This week’s Q&A was so big I am dividing it into two parts. Today is part 1. To participate in the next Q&A please join me on Twitter on Thursday from 330-430PM EST] HOW DO YOU GET COMFORTABLE WITH FAILURE? Joel Englander ‏@JoelEnglander: How do you get comfortable with failure? Answer: Let’s define failure: […]

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The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Mediocre People

I’m pretty mediocre. I’m ashamed to admit it.  I’m not even being sarcastic or self-deprecating. I’ve never done anything that stands out as, “whoah! This guy made it into outerspace! Or…this guy…

I’m pretty mediocre. I’m ashamed to admit it.  I’m not even being sarcastic or self-deprecating. I’ve never done anything that stands out as, “whoah! This guy made it into outerspace! Or…this guy has a best selling novel! Or…if only Google had thought of this!” I’ve had some successes and some failures (well-documented here) but never […]

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The Ten Ways I Lie

I lied to my kids this weekend. I told them I had a fun time with them when really I didn’t. They were brats. I lied to my parents all the time…

I lied to my kids this weekend. I told them I had a fun time with them when really I didn’t. They were brats. I lied to my parents all the time when I was a kid. I lied to clients, colleagues, bosses, employees. Sometimes people write about me and I wish I could kill […]

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How to Get Over Heartache, The 5PM Diet, What Should You Do In Life, And More

WHAT SHOULD I DO IN LIFE? Ali H. Baloch ‏@alihb12: I don’t know what to do in life and over what i am good. I lose interest in whatever i do after…

WHAT SHOULD I DO IN LIFE? Ali H. Baloch ‏@alihb12: I don’t know what to do in life and over what i am good. I lose interest in whatever i do after some time. can you help me find? ANSWER: Ali, It’s a horrible thing and I know how you feel. Not the feeling of […]

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How to Cure Post-Traumatic Societal Stress Syndrome

We all have a disfiguring, gross, disease that oozes emotional pus, destroys our sex drive, and cripples us in life. It started in 2000 with the dot-com bust. There was this infinitely…

We all have a disfiguring, gross, disease that oozes emotional pus, destroys our sex drive, and cripples us in life. It started in 2000 with the dot-com bust. There was this infinitely glorious future promised us: of robots and networks and infinite productivity, even ever- increasing salaries and wealth, and the promise of infinite love […]

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What Are You?

Are you a Republican? Are you gay? Or straight? Are you pro-choice? Are you anti-environmentalist? Are you a Buddhist? Or a Jew? And, if Jewish – are you Reform or Conservative? Or…

Are you a Republican? Are you gay? Or straight? Are you pro-choice? Are you anti-environmentalist? Are you a Buddhist? Or a Jew? And, if Jewish – are you Reform or Conservative? Or Reconstructionist? Are you a vegetarian for moral reasons? Do you smoke? Are you a writer? Or a lawyer? Or a businessman? Are you […]

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