Blog Category:

How to Quit Therapy

My preparation starts about 12-24 hours in advance. I’m going to pitch a story idea. The worst thing that has happened to me this past week. The thing that I feel the…

My preparation starts about 12-24 hours in advance. I’m going to pitch a story idea. The worst thing that has happened to me this past week. The thing that I feel the most DOWN about. Dig deep. What happened? Who? Where? How? Why am I so upset? No. Deeper. There has to be real pain […]

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How to Disappear Completely And Never Be Found

I wanted to move into a homeless shelter because I thought that girls who were homeless would be more likely to go out with me. I had this fantasy version of what…

I wanted to move into a homeless shelter because I thought that girls who were homeless would be more likely to go out with me. I had this fantasy version of what a homeless shelter would be like. We’d sneak around to each others rooms as if they were dorm rooms. It would be romantic. […]

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Who Makes Money on Wall Street?

I came up with an ultra-perfect top-secret method for beating the stock market. I saw it right there on the screen after thirty straight hours of computer programming. My heart was beating…

I came up with an ultra-perfect top-secret method for beating the stock market. I saw it right there on the screen after thirty straight hours of computer programming. My heart was beating fast. I was sweating when I went to sleep. I could only sleep for about two or three hours and I had to […]

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A FoolProof Diet

She threw up in the bathroom after every bite of sushi. We were at Nobu, a relatively expensive sushi place in NYC. Earlier that day she had gone to the doctor and…

She threw up in the bathroom after every bite of sushi. We were at Nobu, a relatively expensive sushi place in NYC. Earlier that day she had gone to the doctor and had her stomach stapled. Actually, that’s not quite correct. It was a newer technology. There was a band surgically placed inside of her […]

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Ask James: Ron Paul, Confidence, Envy, Tips to a New Blogger, Whats the Biggest Hurdle to Making Your First Million?

Every Thursday from 3:30-4:30 PM EST I do a Twitter Q&A, answer questions, and then expand some of the answers into this blog post. Follow me on Twitter. IS MARRIED BOYFRIEND USING…

Every Thursday from 3:30-4:30 PM EST I do a Twitter Q&A, answer questions, and then expand some of the answers into this blog post. Follow me on Twitter. IS MARRIED BOYFRIEND USING YOUR FRIEND? Rachel S. ‏ @rachelosis  Is there any way to convince someone that the married person they’re seeing is only using them?? […]

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Imagine You are Ten Years Old

Imagine you are a nine year old girl. Imagine how excited you are because tomorrow you are going to turn ten. Think back to how you were feeling then. What would it…

Imagine you are a nine year old girl. Imagine how excited you are because tomorrow you are going to turn ten. Think back to how you were feeling then. What would it be like to be two digits old instead of one? You can’t even imagine. Will it feel different than being nine? You will […]

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Why Did Georgetown University Call Me Out?

You can’t make this up. Georgetown University just put out a study called “The College Payoff” to explain why going to college pays off. I’m laughing so hard I can barely type.…

You can’t make this up. Georgetown University just put out a study called “The College Payoff” to explain why going to college pays off. I’m laughing so hard I can barely type. And then in the middle of this highly academic report they bashed me personally. This is not going to be my usual post. […]

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