Blog Category:

Go On a News Diet, Starting Today

Claudia and I were in bed reading Cosmopolitan (me) and The Economist (she) at 2 in the afternoon. I pointed out a fascinating article in Cosmopolitan: “Why the Vagina Might Feel Weird…

Claudia and I were in bed reading Cosmopolitan (me) and The Economist (she) at 2 in the afternoon. I pointed out a fascinating article in Cosmopolitan: “Why the Vagina Might Feel Weird After Sex.” Claudia, in turn, pointed out an article in The Economist: “Power Struggle in the Vatican”. There were bright lights turned on […]

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My Resume

My Resume I’m scared to death of having a job. But you never know what opportunities could come my way. There’s a lot of money out there willing to pay anyone. So…

My Resume I’m scared to death of having a job. But you never know what opportunities could come my way. There’s a lot of money out there willing to pay anyone. So I figured I’d dust off my resume, finally accept every LinkedIn request and just put it out there. You know, to see what […]

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Five Emails I Got Last Night

I like getting emails. Please send them. I don’t always answer but I read everything and try to answer. 8pm is a bad time to email me because I go to sleep…

I like getting emails. Please send them. I don’t always answer but I read everything and try to answer. 8pm is a bad time to email me because I go to sleep around them and by morning time the email might be buried and I won’t see it. Here are some emails I got last […]

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10 Ways Honesty Makes You More Money

Admit it: you were jealous of Bernie Madoff. For a split second. That night in December, 2008 when you first heard the news, interrupting the ongoing panic of every bank going out…

Admit it: you were jealous of Bernie Madoff. For a split second. That night in December, 2008 when you first heard the news, interrupting the ongoing panic of every bank going out of business, every job disappearing, every ATM machine running out of cash, the organic fruit at the farmer’s market skyrocketing to $200 an […]

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Why I Really Like This Commercial

(to see the video for the commercial in the above image, click on this: First off, there’s a lot of reasons why I shouldn’t like this commercial. I don’t like alcohol…

(to see the video for the commercial in the above image, click on this: First off, there’s a lot of reasons why I shouldn’t like this commercial. I don’t like alcohol (the commercial is called “Tonight We Tanqueray”). Several reasons: A) The only time I’ve ever gotten sick in the past 5 years is […]

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Where Are Your Limitations?

At dinner that night, Bubba the Love Sponge pulled out a gun from his bag and pointed it at me. It was the first time a gun had ever been pointed at…

At dinner that night, Bubba the Love Sponge pulled out a gun from his bag and pointed it at me. It was the first time a gun had ever been pointed at me. This was last Thursday. A few hours earlier I was in his studio watching how a radio show was produced. There was […]

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Don't Kill Anyone Today

You ever notice that all the greatest advice in the world is always couched in the negative? And by “greatest advice” I mean: withstood the test of time. Like, there were a…

You ever notice that all the greatest advice in the world is always couched in the negative? And by “greatest advice” I mean: withstood the test of time. Like, there were a lot of people in 1500 BC who were saying, “Be happy” but then Moses had to come along and basically just said, “Don’t […]

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