Blog Category:

I don't have cancer and I'm not going to commit suicide

“I think maybe you have cancer.” Max said to me. “Or you are planning on killing yourself sometime in the next week or so?” I laughed (because if you can’t laugh about…

“I think maybe you have cancer.” Max said to me. “Or you are planning on killing yourself sometime in the next week or so?” I laughed (because if you can’t laugh about cancer and suicide what can you laugh about?) and asked how come he asks that. “I’ve been enjoying your blog,” he said, “and […]

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What it feels like to be Rich

After losing over one million a week, cash, for the entire summer of 2000, I was forced to sell my apartment. So one day in 2002, all the boxes were packed, the…

After losing over one million a week, cash, for the entire summer of 2000, I was forced to sell my apartment. So one day in 2002, all the boxes were packed, the apartment was empty. We had two moving trucks waiting downstairs to move us an hour north of the city. It was like an […]

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Why I Might Die if I Don't Go to India Next Week

I’m the worst form of addict, junkie, crackhead.  Particularly since I’ve been working on this blog. What I’m about to admit is perhaps the most embarassing item I’ve admitted in this blog…

I’m the worst form of addict, junkie, crackhead.  Particularly since I’ve been working on this blog. What I’m about to admit is perhaps the most embarassing item I’ve admitted in this blog (and that’s a high bar). I can’t start my day without the following START to END: START I twitter search @jaltucher I twitter […]

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10 Things I Learned Working With Jim Cramer

The first time I met Cramer was on the set of his show “Mad Money”. The show hadn’t officially launched yet but he wanted to try out the idea of having guests…

The first time I met Cramer was on the set of his show “Mad Money”. The show hadn’t officially launched yet but he wanted to try out the idea of having guests on the dress rehearsals. I was the first guest. I did so poorly he immediately dashed the idea (at least initially) of having […]

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How I Became a Writer (or … "my visit with the President of the United States")

On my 12th birthday in 1980 I called early in the morning to confirm my appointment at the White House. Specifically, I had a meeting scheduled with Rex Scouten, the Chief Usher…

On my 12th birthday in 1980 I called early in the morning to confirm my appointment at the White House. Specifically, I had a meeting scheduled with Rex Scouten, the Chief Usher of the White House. In other words, Jimmy Carter’s butler. I had spoken to him several weeks earlier when I “interviewed” him for […]

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How to Steal and Get Rich

My eight year old daughter is crying right now.  She’s trying to draw manga-style comic book figures. “The eyes look stupid!” she says, “and the arms look flimsy!” My oldest tries to…

My eight year old daughter is crying right now.  She’s trying to draw manga-style comic book figures. “The eyes look stupid!” she says, “and the arms look flimsy!” My oldest tries to calm her down, “Mollie, I’m three years older than you. Thats why my characters look so good,” she says, but somehow that doesn’t […]

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You can call yourself an Entrepreneur when…

Its not really such a great thing to be an entrepreneur. There’s no real “freedom” in it. People think that starting your own business gives you freedom. It doesn’t. When you work…

Its not really such a great thing to be an entrepreneur. There’s no real “freedom” in it. People think that starting your own business gives you freedom. It doesn’t. When you work a corporate job where you only, realistically, work for 1-2 hours a day and you can leave your work at the office, then […]

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