Blog Category:

I'm Completely Humiliated by Yoga

I woke up yesterday to the sounds of a woman throwing up for fifteen straight minutes. It might’ve been the woman who lives next door. Vomiting seems to come with the territory…

I woke up yesterday to the sounds of a woman throwing up for fifteen straight minutes. It might’ve been the woman who lives next door. Vomiting seems to come with the territory in India. And vomiting is not one consistent sound. If someone says to you, “I just heard a note from a piano”, you’d […]

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Thoughts on Turning 43 Today

When I turned 40 I was in a state of panic. I had been reading “the Summer of 49” by David Halberstam about the 1949 Yankees. In the book he comments about…

When I turned 40 I was in a state of panic. I had been reading “the Summer of 49” by David Halberstam about the 1949 Yankees. In the book he comments about how the Yankees team was going to have problems because of its aging players. For instance, “Dimaggio’s body was breaking down.” You would […]

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How I Screwed Yasser Arafat out of $ 2mm (and lost $ 100mm in the process)

I needed to make one hundred million dollars pretty fast. You know how it is. There are bills to pay. There are things you want to do in life. I wanted, for…

I needed to make one hundred million dollars pretty fast. You know how it is. There are bills to pay. There are things you want to do in life. I wanted, for instance, to work as a cashier in a bookstore. But with a twist. I would own the bookstore. I wanted to do a […]

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Was Buddha a Bad Father?

I have a very wealthy friend who has three homes, is going to inherit a growing business, has a stunningly beautiful wife, and yesterday his first son was born. Then, like many…

I have a very wealthy friend who has three homes, is going to inherit a growing business, has a stunningly beautiful wife, and yesterday his first son was born. Then, like many dads do. He panicked. But he took it one step further. In the middle of the night, the first night of his son’s life, […]

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The 5 Reasons Freakonomics was a Bestseller

The day before his book, Freakonomics, was to be released, Stephen Dubner and I were playing Backgammon at our favorite diner on the Upper West Side and he was very upset.  I…

The day before his book, Freakonomics, was to be released, Stephen Dubner and I were playing Backgammon at our favorite diner on the Upper West Side and he was very upset.  I thought he might cry. “I’m really scared,” he said. I was crushing him that day in the ongoing match we had begun in […]

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How to Lose All Your Friends

I went into the 7-11, got a can of Pringles, a bottle of water, a NY Post, and went to the cashier. I asked her, “have you ever been robbed?” She said,…

I went into the 7-11, got a can of Pringles, a bottle of water, a NY Post, and went to the cashier. I asked her, “have you ever been robbed?” She said, “no.” “Well,” I said, “now you are.” She was silent for a few seconds. I was silent. For about three seconds. One. Two. […]

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Was Jesus a Geek?

When I was six years old I started telling all of my friends how Jesus walked on water. Forget The Green Lantern or Thor. Jesus was the first superhero. Walking on water…

When I was six years old I started telling all of my friends how Jesus walked on water. Forget The Green Lantern or Thor. Jesus was the first superhero. Walking on water was the most incredible miracle to me because that’s a power I could’ve really used. Like, at summer camp, I could’ve walked on […]

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