Blog Category:

No Excuses!

I wrote a letter to William Vollmann and told him I had AIDS. It was 1994. I loved all his books, “The Rainbow Stories”, “Whores for Gloria”, “The Butterfly Stories”. He has…

I wrote a letter to William Vollmann and told him I had AIDS. It was 1994. I loved all his books, “The Rainbow Stories”, “Whores for Gloria”, “The Butterfly Stories”. He has a writing style that is simultaneously humble, filled with mega-intelligence, honest, fearless, and, in some cases, completely unreadable. Some of his books are […]

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My Lawyer is Dead

About two years ago I met with a lawyer about an SEC issue I was having. The details are not important. He was a little overweight, bushy mustache, a plaid sort of…

About two years ago I met with a lawyer about an SEC issue I was having. The details are not important. He was a little overweight, bushy mustache, a plaid sort of suit that didn’t match up right, he had driven in two hours from Long Island. I had arranged a fancy place, thinking that […]

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I got an email this morning that said, “I disagree with you on Immigration. Unsubscribe.” So I guess after 280 posts where I’ve written about transvestite prostitutes, and every other topic under…

I got an email this morning that said, “I disagree with you on Immigration. Unsubscribe.” So I guess after 280 posts where I’ve written about transvestite prostitutes, and every other topic under the sun,  I finally said something that offended this guy so much he could NEVER EVER read me again. “Unsubscribe.” I wish I […]

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How to Spot a Scammer

I’m scammed almost every day. Or, if not scammed, at the very least someone tries to scam me. Usually more than once a day. The first time was at the age of…

I’m scammed almost every day. Or, if not scammed, at the very least someone tries to scam me. Usually more than once a day. The first time was at the age of 12 playing three card monte in NYC where I lost my watch. Another time when I sent in $80 so I could get […]

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ASK JAMES: Bad Coworkers, Dot-com 2.0 Bubble, The Perfect Day, Handling Overwhelming Work, and MORE

Every Thursday from 3:30Pm  – 4:30Pm EST I do a Q&A session on Twitter. I really enjoy doing them and the people who ask the questions I feel like I’m getting to…

Every Thursday from 3:30Pm  – 4:30Pm EST I do a Q&A session on Twitter. I really enjoy doing them and the people who ask the questions I feel like I’m getting to know. Which says a lot for me because I usually hide in a dark hole in the corner of my house, afraid to […]

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The ONE Advice I have If You Have a One Week Old Daughter

Nine months ago a lot of people had unprotected sex.  How do I know this? Because I’ve been asked this exact question three times in the past week: What is the ONE…

Nine months ago a lot of people had unprotected sex.  How do I know this? Because I’ve been asked this exact question three times in the past week: What is the ONE piece of advice do you have if you have a newborn baby? I congratulate these people on having such pleasure in their lives […]

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My Platform If I Were Vice-President of the United States

In 1980, being a young, strident young journalist and essayist at the age of 12 I decided to call up the Federal Elections Commission and get a list of all of the…

In 1980, being a young, strident young journalist and essayist at the age of 12 I decided to call up the Federal Elections Commission and get a list of all of the candidates who were officially running for President and Vice-President. There was the usual crew: “James Earl Carter”, “Edward M Kennedy”, etc  but then […]

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