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The Best Trader In the World Worked for Bernie Madoff

The night Bernie Madoff got caught for running a $60 billion Ponzi scheme I got a call from my friend “Eddie” (not his real name) who for many years worked for Madoff.…

The night Bernie Madoff got caught for running a $60 billion Ponzi scheme I got a call from my friend “Eddie” (not his real name) who for many years worked for Madoff. I couldn’t tell if he was crying but he was very upset. “I can’t believe it,” he said, “Bernie was like a father […]

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My Summer Reading List, and Other Ways I've Ruined My Life

It was really horrible what I did to them. Grad school! All my classes paid for plus an entire $1100 stipend a month to live on. Suddenly, for the first time in…

It was really horrible what I did to them. Grad school! All my classes paid for plus an entire $1100 stipend a month to live on. Suddenly, for the first time in my life, I was rich. I was Jimmy Rockefeller. I felt like every worry in life had now shed off me. I was […]

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Going to Riker's Island Prison at 3 in the Morning

I don’t think any of the prostitutes were above the age of 18. One girl told me she was sixteen but who knows. They were all black. The 16 year old was…

I don’t think any of the prostitutes were above the age of 18. One girl told me she was sixteen but who knows. They were all black. The 16 year old was laughing and sort of skipping around while she was talking to me. We were in Long Island City in Queens at three in […]

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What Big Venture Capitalists Talk About

I was walking with Al and Skip and we passed a tall black girl that looked like a super model wearing a very tight-fitting white dress. Al whistled. “Thats a tall cool…

I was walking with Al and Skip and we passed a tall black girl that looked like a super model wearing a very tight-fitting white dress. Al whistled. “Thats a tall cool glass of water,” he said about the woman. Al managed a venture capital fund that had about a hundred million in it. Now, […]

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How to Deal With Crappy People

Ugh, I’m disgusted with my brain.  I see people walking down the street and there’s like this killer inside me providing running nasty commentary about each person. Do you do this also?…

Ugh, I’m disgusted with my brain.  I see people walking down the street and there’s like this killer inside me providing running nasty commentary about each person. Do you do this also? I have to stop myself often: “You don’t know this person who is randomly crossing the street. You can’t possibly know that he’s […]

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Helping Yourself With Psycho-Cosmic Power

I just bought the hardcover version of “Helping Yourself with Psycho Cosmic Power” from Al G Manning. The book was written in 1969. I paid $5.50. The paperback version (used) is going…

I just bought the hardcover version of “Helping Yourself with Psycho Cosmic Power” from Al G Manning. The book was written in 1969. I paid $5.50. The paperback version (used) is going for $95. The last time I read this book I was 12 years old. I bought the book for sentimental reasons.  I described […]

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Henry Kissinger, The Fuck-Up, and the Accelerated Dragon – Today Was a Good Day

Yesterday was a good day. I didn’t read any newspapers. Who cares about Greece. Who cares about all of Europe for that matter. Or unrest in China. I certainly don’t care. Did…

Yesterday was a good day. I didn’t read any newspapers. Who cares about Greece. Who cares about all of Europe for that matter. Or unrest in China. I certainly don’t care. Did Obama do anything? Who cares? There’s news about some Congressman but for what and for who and why? Sometimes the fight is wearing […]

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