You seem to be a man of lists. Do you have a daily to do check list that you cross things off or is it a more organic process? –@iChmpneGrl
Yes! Here’s part of my list.
A) I sleep 8-9 hours.
B) I read books by writers with strong voices so I hope some of that voice rubs off on me when I begin writing.
C) By 6 am I’m writing (I’m on my third cup of coffee by then).
D) Around 9 am I start thinking of ideas for making money, writing ideas, book ideas, distribution ideas, helping others ideas, networking ideas.
E) Then the day begins. I try to respond to as many people who have written me as possible if I don’t have meetings in the way.
F) Sometime in afternoon I try to write 1000 words on a novel. If I can do that 2/3 of days then I’ll have the equivalent of four novels done within a year. So we’ll see if I can stick to this!
G) Asleep by 7-8 pm.
I avoid anything that’s a time waster: too much social media, I don’t read news. No pop culture. No Angry birds or other games. No emails with people who hate me or who I don’t like. No prime time TV. No more than two meals a day. No junk food. No gossiping. All of the above taken together saves me about three hours compared with how I used to live my life.