You said don’t go to college, may I know why?

You said don’t go to college, may I know why? –@CashN1n9

I’ve written many articles and posts on this, and I’ve had at least seven death threats on this topic. Here’s one of my posts Here’s one of the death threats

But I’ll try to summarize quickly:

A)    Student loan debt is higher than ever. Tuitions have risen even higher than health care costs since I went to college. So why isn’t there a national discussion on this?

B)    Kids take the money and we all know what they do those four years. Don’t deny it!

C)    They’ve just spent 12 years behind a desk listening to boring teachers and taking tests. Why don’t you let them try one of these eight alternatives

D)    There’s a big stat: kids with college degrees make more money. Unfortunately anyone who took statistics 101 knows the flaw in this statistic. Can you explain?