Why do you always advise to ignore the media, yet regularly contribute to hype and fear monger publications?

Why do you always advise to ignore the media, yet regularly contribute to hype and fear monger publications? –@robtoole

Every day the headlines get worse and worse and  then, when the worst doesn’t happen, the media forgets to apologize. Whatever happened to the radiation that was supposed to wash up on the shores of San Francisco from Japan? Everyone got sick taking iodine pills. No radiation. No apology.

And now Greece. What is it with Greece. Since 40BC Greece has never been a self-sufficient country. They were also dependent on funds from others (last: we funded them to keep the Soviets out of the Mediterranean). They never ever had money. Why they were put in the Euro union is beyond me.

And now the media wants us to worry about them even though their effect on our economy is less than 1/10 of 1%. It might even be more like 1/1000 of 1%.

So why do I go on? To try to do my little to set the record straight although it probably accomplishes nothing. I think people at home are so used to hearing doom and gloom all the time I’m hoping that a little bit of optimism will be good for them before we all talk ourselves into a Depression (little “d” or big “D”).