What’s the best (most responsible/useful) way to keep up-to-date on what’s going on in the world? –@ryan_a_lane
Do the opposite of what everyone else does: read nothing. Why do I need to keep updated?
I once gave a talk at a major newspaper. Afterwards several of the reporters came up to me and said, “that was totally different than how we analyze the news. We usually have no idea what to say. Like if the market goes down we say, ‘market down due to oil fears’ “. This was in 2004 that I gave this talk. It’s gotten a lot worse since then. Now the media tries to find the most crazy thing we can be afraid of and they put that on the cover.
And there’s no news source that’s different. So today, rather than reading any news at all I finished off a book of short stories I was reading (“Knockemstiff”) and started reading Stephen Levy’s new book “In the Plex.” I’ve been reading Levy since his book “Hackers.” I also read some poetry by Charles Bukowski. Then I started my day.
Reading any information source for up to date news will only make one stressed, confused, uninformed, and generally in a bad mood. So why bother?