Shirley Trevor @Unpacktherat: What was the best thing you learned from the book the Power of Now?
The best thing I learned is to persistently only focus on what can improve your life right now.
Well, what about the past? If we were beaten as a child won’t it make it harder for us to deal with the present?
Of course it will. But all these things are gone. They are just clues that we find in the present moment. Clues for how we should act.
Well, what about the future? I have worries, bills to pay, etc.
Again, the future doesn’t exist yet. And the past is gone. These are only clues. Act like Sherlock. Given these clues, what is the best course of action we can take right now. The past and future are ephemeral, filled with ghostly clues. The only thing we can experience is right now.
So make the most of it.