What should you do if you’re avoiding a friend and you don’t know why? –@estheria
This has happened to me repeatedly. You have to ask yourself one thing: Am I avoiding him today simply because I avoided him yesterday. An “avoidance bubble” of sorts. In other words, are you feeling so much shame about avoiding your friend that that it’s preventing you from reaching out today. If the answer is “no” then move onto the next paragraph.
Something is wrong. Your body and mind are telling you to stay away. You can do some self-enquiry and start listing reasons why your mind might be telling you to stay away, but your mind might not answer. Your body and mind might be keeping it a secret. But respect the secret. Don’t force it. You are a busy person. If you’re body is telling you, “this person is bad for you right now. Stay away.” Then after briefly considering the reasons why this might be, take the advice: stay away.