Florida Evans @TrdrFlridaEvans: Sometimes I get that not so fresh feeling.
Claudia reminds me: I think you haven’t showered in four days. So I know what you mean. But although your question is sort of a joke, I’m going to answer because it’s important to me to always feel “fresh”.
I don’t always follow these (at the moment I am not feeling very fresh) but here’s what you will do and you will feel fresh:
sleep 9 hours
brush your teeth and then use a tongue scraper and floss
take a huge bowel movement
shower again
do yoga
no alcohol
no tv or news. Read good books.
clean your desk. clean your kitchen.
don’t gossip, even about people you hate. try to hate less but that’s hard
meditate. Easiest one second meditation: Just say “I don’t know”. Or say, “I love myself” over and over.
list five things you feel grateful for.
eat just two meals today, minimize carbs and sugar and heavy meat.
Ok, you asked and that’s the answer.