What is the best way to deal with a co-worker who consistently discredits you in a passive aggressive way? –@robertsgm
A) Never argue with him.
B) Never gossip about him behind his back.
C) Never blame him.
D) Never respond to anything he says other than direct, factual information or a simple “yes” or “no”.
In other words: No Dancing. This person is an inconsequential bug. Don’t think about him, talk about him, talk to him, or “think to him” in any way. This creates the atmosphere/ecosystem/training where it will his passive aggressiveness will ultimately have no effect on you.
Remember, he was probably beaten as a child, or rejected by girls, or harassed by other bosses or co-workers and now he is trying to do all of that to you. Don’t let any of it stick on your mind, your emotions, or your body. It’s hard. But you will do it. And that’s how he will be trained like a dog, that he is to treat you better.
And once he starts treating you better, give him credit when credit is deserved. Eventually this person will want to be your best friend. But by then you will have long moved on.