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I could relate.

I used to waste energy on things that don’t matter. Or worse.

I used to read every newspaper. And vote. I checked CNN a couple months ago to look for something relevant for my stand up.

I saw the headline: “Kanye West Deletes his Twitter Account.”

I had no idea why that was news. I didn’t care.

Here’s another example:

I remember when everything was going on with the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. I didn’t read anything about it. But I still had some general sense of what each side wanted and didn’t want.

And here’s the only thing I knew for a FACT about that situation: no matter what I feel, I won’t have any influence over it.

People tell me I’m not informed.

OK. Fine.

But that’s not true.

I’m informed about the messages in my book “Choose Yourself.” And the financial advice I write and read. I’m informed about the podcast guest I get to talk to tomorrow.

I read their books. I study their work. I learn how they got to the top.

Then I talk to them.

I ask them what they focused on. So I can learn too.

Every billionaire, or author or astronaut told me the same thing: that they focused forward.

I don’t move forward when I’m absorbed in things I can’t help.

Nobody does.

I asked Jamie Kilstein about this when I went on his podcast a couple months ago. And I’m airing the episode on my podcast today, too.

Because the conversation had to do with things we all struggle with:

  • Finding what you love (then doing it)
  • Getting out of depression or just bad times
  • Finding your tribe and belonging

He told me he had never even thought about focusing on himself until he found Tim Ferriss.

That’s sad, but I’m glad he figured it out. And I’m glad Tim put his message out there.

That’s why I don’t vote (and still get threats about this). Because we all affect each other. In different ways.

Tim impacted Jamie.

Now Jamie has his podcast. And he impacts others.

And it’s not just podcasts that do this. It’s the conversation you have with your friends at dinner. Or the way you talk to your TV when your kids are watching you.

You know where it leaks out in your life better than I do.

Jamie told me how it leaked out of him. And why.

He said, “I didn’t want to confront the demons inside of me so it seemed easier to just tweet about fascism and feel like I’m a doing a bigger service.”

But then he took a step back. And he saw he wasn’t doing any service for anyone. He was just distracting himself from the things he could be doing…

So we talk about that.

And even though Jamie was supposed to be interviewing me, I tried to interview him back as much as possible.

So I ask him about:

  • His comedy
  • His depression, how he got out it
  • Books he likes

And then we also talk about:

  • Why I’m bad with money
  • Why I’m good with money
  • How to make impact
  • And more

I’m going to email Jamie to ask him the one lesson he learned from this episode. 

I’ll tell you one of mine. 

If I subtract everything that doesn’t help me improve, then subtract again and again and again, then I will have the energy to add.  

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