Gabriel Weinberg
Gabriel Weinberg
19 Ways to Sell
You know why I wrote Choose Yourself. But you don’t know how you got here. How did you get here – on my email list, Facebook page, Twitter? Do you want to know why you’re following me? I’m going to tell you.
I’ll tell you my secrets to building an email list, a customer base, an audience. I’m going to tell you how I got you here.
There are specific tactics I use. And you can use them, too, for your business or blog or anything. But I’ll get back to that.
First you need an idea. And there needs to be a demand for that idea.
Next you should be wondering, “Is my idea any good?” Probably not. Or maybe it is. You could be much smarter than me. Most of my ideas don’t lead to anything. But a few have. Like StockPickr, the company I built and sold for millions before destroying myself and wanting to die.
If you’re an idea machine, you already know how to come up with ideas. Scaling an idea is more challenging. Results don’t just appear. You need traction. You need to grow and acquire new customers.
My guest today, Gabriel Weinberg, author of Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth and CEO of DuckDuckGo, is the king of results — search results that is.
That’s what DuckDuckGo does. It is a search engine and it’s stealing millions of customers from Google. It takes some sort of voodoo mastermind to figure out how to beat Google at their own game. Gabriel challenges the status quo. He’s part of that rare breed of people who believe nothing is impossible.
Now DuckDuckGo is pretty huge. But why would anyone want to challenge Google? That’s what I wanted to find out. And I’ll tell you why in a second.
But let’s get back to my secret. In 33 minutes and 22 seconds, you can know my preferred method to scaling your business. Or you can just skip to the 33:22 mark in today’s interview. You might be surprised to find out how I scaled Choose Yourself — how I got traction.
But if you’re not looking for shortcuts, listen to the whole interview. You’ll get an all-inclusive, complete breakdown on how to sell and scale your best ideas.
Gabriel goes over every marketing tactic, nineteen to be exact. If you’re resourceful, you can use them to start building your wealth for the New Year.
And in his book, Gabriel and Justin Mares give you marketing tips from the masters, including Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, Reddit founder, Alexis Ohanian, Kayak founder Paul English and more than a dozen others.
Listen today to hear Gabriel breakdown the best tactics for every stage of your business. You’ll also hear why he wasn’t happy with Google and how he started today’s superior search engine, in addition to how you and thousands of other people got here. And how you can start selling and scaling. Ready, set… (duck, duck) go.
Resources and Links:
- Search on
- Read Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth
- Listen to my first interview with Gabriel here
- Follow Gabriel on Twitter
- Follow DuckDuckGo on Facebook and Twitter
Also mentioned in this episode:
- One of the viral marketing tactics we discuss, King Sumo
- Our tipping point example, YouTube sensation, Michelle Phan
- My podcast with Stephen Dubner, Question of the Day
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Ep. 146 – Mick Ebeling: I’ll Teach You How to Do the Impossible – Listen here