David Mansaray @DavidMansaray: I’m leaving university to pursue self-education + blog about it. Any advice for making it a success + interesting for readers?
You’re going to jump into the abyss. You are in the 1%. When you fall into the abyss you get scraped, you get hurt, you will break your bones, you will smash your head.
So if you are going to blog about it, don’t cover up, don’t hide. Just bleed. You’re going to be so bloody it hurts. Bleed. Blood. Vomit blood onto the page, stick your pencil in it and start writing. If you can’t write something that totally embarasses you and reveals every scrape and broken bone in your attempt to escape the system then don’t write it. Nobody wants to read about it otherwise.
Here’s a writing exercise:
Write down the worst, most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you that you would never want anyone to know. Write it with just enough words needed to tell the story. NO EXTRA WORDS. Then erase it and rewrite it. Then do it again. You’ll get better each time.
Now, you may not want to publish it. It’s the most embarrassing thing ever. But take the #2 worst thing and write that and publish it.