If I make a billion shall I rub it in the ex-wife’s face? –@TraderStrong
No! There’s that expression “the best revenge is living well.” It doesn’t say, “the best revenge is smothering your ex’s face with your success.” In fact, I’m going to change the expression slightly. “The best revenge is just being happy.” The statement is almost a logical impossibility. You can’t be really happy if you are consumed with thoughts of revenge.
There are quite a few people I want revenge on. I know I won’t be happy until those feelings of revenge start to go down and eventually disappear. How do I do that?
Every time I think, “man, I’m going to get that guy back” or whatever, I catch myself and think “not useful”. I won’t be happy until I stop thinking “not useful” thoughts. It’s hard to catch yourself in the middle of one of these thoughts. You have to practice. Practice is the water; the feelings of revenge are like a rock in your head.
Eventually water withers away the rock. When no rocks are left, you have a clean sandy beach, then the ocean, then the horizon. Happy.