I read non-fiction voraciously but want to read some more fiction. What novels could you recommend most highly? –@importgenius
I used to be like that. But then I realized that most non-fiction writers have zero writing skills so it’s hard to actually get through one of their books. I really like fiction writers that have strong autobiographical voices so I can learn from not only their stories but also the strength and quality of their literary voices. Here are a few that I re-visit often:
“Ham on Rye” by Charles Bukowski is the novel of the 20th Century in my opinion. [See. “6 Things I Learned from Charles Bukowsi” http://bit.ly/qKAEUq]
“Jesus’ Son” by Denis Johnson is the best collection of short stories.
“No One Belongs Here More Than You” by Miranda July
“Anything” by Raymond Carver
“Whores for Gloria” by Willliam Vollmann (or Rainbow Stories by him)
“I Never Liked You Anyway” a graphic novel by Chester Brown
Start with those and you’ve started with the best fiction on the planet in history (in my opinion)