Does Twitter make us worse writers or better writers overall? Do you think <140 characters is about right or would you prefer more? –@JenShahadeI like Twitter because there’s a “time limit” just as much as a word limit. The time limit forces people to ask you or interact with you in a way that takes no time at all to read and understand and no time at all to respond.We can then take the time to expand on the answers. So I think Twitter is a wealth of non-stop short ideas and we can pick and choose which ideas become bigger, become the ones that consumer our minds with more words than are probably necessary.My answer at the time was slightly different but I stand by this also because Twitter is a place where many friendships develop over 140 words:140 words is a great way to begin a conversation. More than 140 words (via email, say) is a great way to continue a conversation, and face-to-face is a great way to end a conversation, and perhaps begin a real friendship.